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🌹 BBG Roses 🌹



BBG Roses

An enhanced rose-enjoying app, for discerning visitors of the Brooklyn Bontanic Garden.
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Table of Contents
  1. About BBG Roses
  2. Running locally
  3. Project status
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. Contact

About The Project

bbg-roses screenshot

About 800,000 people visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden each year. Many of them are bonafide rose-heads. But even for them, it can be hard to find their favorite blossoms among the 5,000+ flowers in BBG's Cranford Rose Garden.

That's who this app is for.

BBG Roses is here to help you find your favorite flowers, and remember where they are for your next visit!

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Built With

  • Rails
  • Hotwire
  • TypeScript
  • Mapbox

Deployed On

  • Render
  • SES
  • Route 53

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Running Locally

Here's how to run BBG roses locally.


You're going to need

  • Ruby (v. 3.2.2). Install using rbenv or rvm
# If using rbenv
rbenv install 3.2.2
rbenv global 3.2.2

# If using rvm
rvm install 3.2.2
rvm use 3.2.2
  • Bundler
gem install bundler
  • Rails (v. 7.0.8)
gem install rails


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install the rails dependencies
    bundle install
  3. Install the node dependencies
    yarn install
  4. Create the database
    rails db:create
  5. Run the db migrations
    rails db:migrate
  6. Seed the database
    rails db:seed
  7. Start the server
    (This final step will also compile your TypeScript code and start the webpack dev server.)

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Project Status

Right now, we're in a proof-of-concept phase. The finer points of the UI are still being worked out. But the core functionality is there. You can:

  • See a map of the Cranford Rose Garden
  • Sign up for a user account
  • Search for roses
  • Save roses to your favorites
  • See your favorites on the map

As mentioned, a more beautiful and whimsical experience is in the offing. There are also a number of existing issues, which you can see here.

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Here's what's to come -- the essentials to get BBG Roses to a 1.0 release.

  • Favoriting is feature-complete
    • Including a "favorites" index to view all your favorited roses
  • Search is feature-complete
    • A more sophisiticated search (currently we only search by name)
  • The app handles rose images
    • Users can upload images of roses
    • Admin users can approve images
    • Images are displayed on the rose show page

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This is a hobby project. I'm not looking for contributors right now. But if you want to take a look at the code, and have any suggestions, please feel free to open an issue!

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Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please reach out!

Matt Seidholz -

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an advanced rose-enjoying app






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