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selfcontained committed May 5, 2012
1 parent aca9e5b commit dec4480
Showing 1 changed file with 115 additions and 1 deletion.
116 changes: 115 additions & 1 deletion
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It's a node.js library that can both serve a markdown file based blog, and also generate a static site from those files as well. GG.

+ **[markdown][]** - articles are stored in markdown formatted text files.
+ **[jade][]** - the theme can be customized via jade templates & [less][]
+ run it from a [node.js http server](#ff-server), or [generate a static site](#ff-static) that you can host pretty much anywhere and not worry about dependencies.



**flipflop** provides a cli interface so needs a global install

> npm install -g flipflop

##Create a new blog

> flipflop create

This starts a cli app that will prompt for a few bits of info about your blog, and create a directory for it in the `process.cwd()`.

<a name="ff-server" ></a>
##Start 'er up

Make sure you're inside your blog's directory.

> flipflop start

<a name="ff-static"></a>
##Static sites are hawt

Also, from inside your blog's directory.

> flipflop generate
currently a work in progress

This will create a static version of your site in a `public` folder within your blog's directory


Generating a blog with `flipflop create` produces a `blog.json` file in your blog's root directory. Customize it as you want.

"title": "flipflip blog",
"description": "ezmode geek blogging, like wearing sandals",
"keywords": [],
"authors": {
"bradharris": {
"name": "Brad Harris",
"gravatar": "",
"github": "bmharris"
"articles": "articles"
Many of these properties are used within the blog's template files.

+ `title` the title of your blog
+ `description` the description of your blog
+ `keywords` array of keywords describing your blog, used for the `<meta name="keyword"/>` tag
+ `authors` key/value object containing article authors' information. This is used to display information about an article's author on the associated article page.
+ `articles` location of directory containing articles. This defaults to a location relative to your blog's directory.

##Write some articles

There will soon be a cli command to generate a new article for you, but you can always create them manually. Simply create a folder inside your blog's `articles` folder. Whatever you name the folder will be used as the slug for the url (in combination with the article's date), so keep the folder url friendly. Populate it with an `article.json` file and an `` file.

- some-post
- article.json


"author": "bradharris",
"title": "flipflop ftw",
"date": "05/04/2012",
"publish": true,
"tags": [
+ `author` should be a key that maps to the blog config `authors` object
+ `title` title of the post, doesn't need to be url friendly
+ `date` date the article was published - a string Date.parse can handle correctly
+ `publish` true/false - if false the article won't be accessible/generated
+ `tags` array containing tags describing the article.

Not much to describe here, just a markdown formatted file containing your article. **flipflop** uses [marked][] to process markdown files, which supports [GitHub Flavored Markdown][gfm].


I'm happy to accomodate pull requests and bug reports, so fork it and improve it or [let me know if you find any issues][issues].


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