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Image categorization using Object Detection in TensorFlow.js

This is a simple use case for Object Detection using TensorFlow.js. It uses the TensorFlow.js pre-trained COCO-SSD model for detecting objects in a set of images and categorizing them based on user input.

This app let's the user to

  • Browse & select a set of images that are then displayed on the screen. The images are within the browser and not uploaded to any server.
  • Enter a filter criteria - a list of words describing the objects based on which the images need to be filtered / categorized
  • These filter criteria are matched against the predicted object's class
  • The images that match the filter criteria are highlighted

Learn more details about this project in this blog post.


Run the project

This project uses Parcel build tool to bundle the package. Use the below command to run the code, which would open up a browser and display the index.html page.

It is tested with the latest version of node (v16.9.1) as of 9/21/2021

npm run dev

Project Contents

This project consists of the following three files.


The UI of this app. It loads the custom JS file (script.js) belonging to this app.

<script src="./script.js" defer></script>


Stylesheet required for the elements on the web page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">


Javascript file that provides functionality to this app. This file loads the TensorFlow.js and COCO-SSD models as below.

import '@tensorflow/tfjs';
import * as cocoSsd from "@tensorflow-models/coco-ssd";

var model;
cocoSsd.load().then(cocoSsdModel => {
  model = cocoSsdModel;


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