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File metadata and controls

234 lines (185 loc) · 11 KB

Vtiger Customer Portal [Backend GO Application] GO

Learn More about Vtiger here

Build & Run (Locally)


  • go 1.20
  • staticcheck (optional, for code static checking)
  • swag (optional, used to re-generate swagger documentation)

To fill database, first install migrate tool:

curl -L | tar xvz
mv migrate.linux-amd64 $GOPATH/bin/migrate

Before you continue, please check that it’s available and working on your machine by trying to execute the migrate binary with the -version flag. It should output the current version number similar to this:

$ migrate -version

To run migration, execute following command:

make migrate

Copy file .envrc.example to .envrc

Use make run to build&run project, make lint to check code with linter.

You can also download executable file and run it on server.

API Documentation

Swagger documentation is available on /swagger/ endpoint Also there are yaml swagger file in documents folder, available for import in Insomnia. To import whole insomnia collection, there are Insomnia.yaml file in documents folder.

Vtiger Setup

By default you do not need to do any setup for Vtiger crm. Make sure, you have latest vtiger 7.5 version installed. Also make sure that you have FilesRetrieve webservice function installed, in order you want to receive files and images from vtiger. If not, do the following:

  1. Download FilesRetrieve file and paste it in appropriate folder.
  2. Register new webservice by executing sql query:
INSERT INTO `vtiger_ws_operation`(
  1. Register parameters of webservice by executing sql query:
INSERT INTO `vtiger_ws_operation_parameters`(

Note, that Vtiger does not provide an endpoint for storing images. If you want to allow users change images, you need to add following code in file include/Webservices/Revise.php, before line $entity = $handler->revise($element);:

if ($element['imagecontent'] && $element['imagename'] && $element['imagetype']) {
            $decodedImageContent = base64_decode($element['imagecontent']);
            $tempFileName = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'image_');
            file_put_contents($tempFileName, $decodedImageContent);
            $_FILES['uploaded_image'] = [
                'name' => $element['imagename'], // Provide the desired file name
                'type' => $element['imagetype'], // Provide the correct file type
                'tmp_name' => $tempFileName,
                'error' => 0,
                'size' => filesize($tempFileName)
            /** @var Contacts $contactModule */
            $contactModule = new $entityName;
            if (method_exists($contactModule, "insertIntoAttachment")) {
                $contactModule->insertIntoAttachment($idList[1], $entityName);

Now, you can pass imagename, imagetype and imagecontent params

Note, in old vtiger versions, we receive always empty attachment ids. In this case, you can not download documents via API. To fix this, add methods from vtiger 7.5 in include/Webservices/DataTransform.php and vtlib/Vtiger/Functions.php. sanitizeFileFieldsForIds and getAttachmentIds

Also for add_related endpoint currently we support GET, not POST request.

If vtiger does not provide file contents in response, fix file include/Webservices/Utils.php, function vtws_filedetails, change filenamewithpath variable:

        $storedName = $fileData['storedname'];
        if (!$storedName) {
            $storedName = $fileName;
        $filenamewithpath = $fileData['path'].$fileData['attachmentsid'].'_'.$storedName;

Currently for delete operation in vtiger we support GET request. To change REST api in Vtiger for this operation, change vtiger_ws_operation table, for delete operation name type from POST to GET.

Vtiger by default dow not support getting image details from users module. It returns image name, but not file itself. You can add this functionality manually. For this purposes you need to add following code in include/Webservices/Retrieve.php file, after line $entity = $handler->retrieve($element);:

		if ($entityName === 'Users' && $entity['imagename']) {
			$recordIds = explode('x', $id);
			$userModel = Users_Record_Model::getInstanceById($recordIds[1], $entityName);
			$images = $userModel->getImageDetails();
			if (isset($images[0])) {
				$entity['image_details'] = $images[0];

Adding new custom field to module

What if you created new custom field in Vtiger module and want to add it in Portal? Because we using golang type system in portal, you need to register it in our domain system. For example, you created field 'cf_543' in HelpDesk module. Here is three steps, how you can register this field in portal:

  1. Open file internal/domain/help_desk.go and find type HelpDesk struct. This is block, where we store all fields for module. At the end of this struct you can add following line:
Cf543 string `json:"cf_543"`
  1. We also need to tell a system. how to decode vtiger field to our struct. For this purposes open the same file and find function ConvertMapToHelpDesk. There you need to add new case:
case "cf_543":
			helpDesk.Cf543 = v.(string)
  1. Recompile a project by running make build command

Support for custom modules

System has a support for custom modules. For example. what can you do if you have custom module in Vtiger with name SPPayments and you want to display it in customer portal? To enabme this feature, you need to insert configuration in portal.yaml:

        - pay_no
        - pay_no
        - pay_type

Where SPPayments is the name of module. Below module name you need to insert minimum 2 fields. First field is default sorting field. Second field and more is fields, which support live search

User Settings Route

This application supports managing of user settings, which is available under user/settings endpoint. As a result you will get list of boolean fields and their values. These fields are dynamic, you can set them in configuration, under userSettingsFields part.

Command line arguments

You can run executable script with following arguments:

  • version - Display script version and exit.

Configuration file

There is 2 configuration example files. .envrc - for storing environment variables portal.yaml - for storing app configuration

To create them, use .envrc.example and mail.yaml files. Put your config portal.yaml file in ~/.config directory

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  make audit


  • Contact registration via temporary code
  • CRUD operations for helpdesk module
  • Get all project, project tasks, invoices and sales orders. Change statuses of this modules.
  • Support for custom modules
  • Make a payment in invoice and sales order.
  • Storing notifications from vtiger crm

Two-Factor Authentication

This portal supports two-factor authentication. Every user can enable it, you need to send a request to otp/veryfy endpoint with token parameter. To get this token, you need to send a request to otp/generate endpoint. After that, you will get a response with token and url. This token will be valid for 5 minutes. After verification process, user can not login without OTP code. If user lost his phone, he can disable this feature in user settings.

In database we have a special column in user table, which stores a secret key for OTP. This key is generated during user registration. If you want to disable otp as administrator for specific user, you can set otp_enabled and otp_verified columns to false.

Note, when otp is enabled, after login in response of user/login endpoint, you will get a otp_enabled field, which indicates that user enabled otp. It means, that you need to send otp code to otp/validate endpoint. If user did not enable otp, you will get this field in response as false.

If you did an authentication and did not pass OTP verification, you can not use portal. For example, if you want to get a list of tickets, as a result you will get a 403 response. Access management and all logic stored in internal/delivery/middleware.go file, in authentication function.


This portal supports notifications from vtiger crm. To make this feature works, you need to install special notifications module in Vtiger CRM. And setup workflow, to create different notifications. Then you need to implement functions in internal/repository/notification_crm.go file for importing notifications from vtiger. After that you need to setup crontab or run function ImportNotifications in internal/service/notifications.go file. This function will import notifications from vtiger and store them in database. After that, you can get notifications from notifications endpoint. You can also create notifications manually in database. For this purposes you need to insert a record in notifications table. You can find a structure of this table in internal/domain/notification.go file.

Payment support

This portal supports payments. You can make a payment in invoice and sales order. To make this feature works, you need to change Stripe token in payment section of configuration file. Currently we support only Stripe provider. You do not need to setup extra configuration to accept a payments.


To deploy this project run

  make production/deploy/api

Note, this script running as a service. So, you need to create tunnel between apache and this script in order to use https

Example apache configuration you can find in remote/production/apache.conf

To see the status of application run command:

sudo systemctl status portal




If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at

Tech Stack

Client: React, Zod, Zustand, Bootstrap

Server: Golang

Customizing the portal

This portal is built using Golang. You are welcome to fork and modify this repository for your own needs! Do not attempt to customize the files inside the bin folder, as they will be automatically overwritten during rebuilt. If you need help customizing this portal beyond what is currently available, we recommend Center of information Technologies ( as an experienced third party developer.