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Configuration File

Michal Hornický edited this page Jun 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

Prospector does not use command-line flags for configuration. It uses TOML file.

This file is automatically created in working directory of the miner if it doesn't yet exist. Default file name is config.toml.

File format

Generated configuration file looks something like this:

gpu-algo = "blake2b"
cpu-algo = "cryptonight"
default-username = "18FcsT6g5FtrFwXiWsxCZ1M3fbKfdG531W"
default-password = "x"

url = "stratum+tcp://"

url = "stratum+tcp://"

url = "stratum+tcp://"
username = "semtexzv.test"
password = "test"

url = "stratum+tcp://"

enabled = true

enabled = true
label = "Ellesmere"

enabled = false
label = "CPU"

This file has several sections

  • general : contains general information about the miner, what coins should be mined on GPU and CPU respectively, and default username and password, that will be used, if there are none provided in pool specification

  • pools.<algo> : Specifies pool information for specific algorithm. This entry MUST contain url entry, and can contain username and password entries.

  • gpus.<id> : Specifies information about specific GPU, and must contain enabled entry.

  • cpu : Specifies information about CPU mining , must contain enabled entry.

Editing configuration file

Prior to starting miner, the user should make several changes to this file.

  1. Pool information: User should replace pool information, so miner will start mining under his username on his preferred pool.
  2. Algorithms: User should change what coins miner will mine to his preference
  3. Devices: User should disable devices that he does not want to mine on by changing enabled flag to false

Multiple configurations

Miner can use configuration file in any location, by passing -c <name> or --config <name> to miner when starting. This makes it easy to run multiple configurations.