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Small Size Dockerized Nginx + PHP-FPM7, with Alpine Linux as base image.


  • Best for development use
  • Small Size
  • Optimized nginx and php-fpm7 configuration (based from my experience)
  • opcache enabled
  • Can passing custom build argument SERVER_NAME for nginx configuration (default to web.local)
  • Can passing custom build argument error_reporting for php.ini configuration (default to E_ALL)


  • Docker installed on your system

  • Pull alpine:edge image with this command:

    $ docker pull alpine:edge
  • [Optional] If you want to use database (I prefer mariadb), then pull also the mariadb:latest image with this command:

    $ docker pull mariadb:latest

Build without passing parameters (using default value)

  • Clone this repository:

    $ git clone
  • Inside folder repo, run this command to build the image:

    $ docker build -t whatever-name-tag-you-want .

Build with passing parameters

  • Clone this repository:

    $ git clone
  • Inside folder repo, run this command to build the image with custom argument:

    $ docker build -t whatever-name-tag-you-want --build-arg SERVER_NAME=yourdomain.local .

    In this case, we passing the SERVER_NAME argument and set it to yourdomain.local . Beside SERVER_NAME, there is also another argument that you can passing out to the images. You can check it at the Features line above.

Run the image

  • After the build is finished, you may want to check it first to make sure the image is successfully created with this command:

    $ docker images
  • The output from above command should be like this (in this case I passed rasyid-php7 as the name/tag of the image):

    docker-p7fpm-ng (master) $ docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    rasyid-php7         latest              1f4aeecbca82        15 hours ago        38.41 MB
  • To run the image, run this command:

    $ docker run -d --name php7-webserver -v /home/your-username/your-php-project:/var/www/localhost/htdocs -ti the-name-of-the-image

    The flag -v above, means that we set mount the host folder /home/your-username/your-php-project, to the docker container folder at /var/www/localhost/htdocs, which is the webroot

  • To access the webroot from docker host, you need to find out what the ip address of the container first. To do this, run this command:

    $ docker inspect php7-webserver | grep IPAddress
  • Access the ipaddress from your web browser

  • The default server_name is web.local (if you not passing any parameters when build the image), you may want to set your /etc/hosts to pointing the ip address of docker container to that server_name

If I want to use database, how could I do that?

Good question. For this case, you need to make sure you've already pulled the mariadb:latest image as suggested on the Features above. Then run the mariadb images with this command:

$ docker run --name some-mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mariadb:latest

For another environment values that can be passed when running the mariadb image, you can check on their docker hub page.

After that, to linked your php7-webserver container with the mariadb container, we need to run our php7-webserver container with this command (make sure you're not having any container running except the mariadb container):

$ docker run --name php7-webserver --link some-mariadb:mysql -d the-name-of-the-image


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