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1038 lines (896 loc) · 43.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1038 lines (896 loc) · 43.9 KB


v4.14.1 (Aug 14, 2024)


  • Deprecated customTypeFilters in UnreadItemCountParams
  • Added customTypesFilter in UnreadItemCountParams

v4.14.0 (Aug 07, 2024)


Support pinned message in OpenChannel

  • Added pinnedMessageIds property in BaseChannel
  • Added createPinnedMessageListQuery method in BaseChannel
  • Added pinMessage method in BaseChannel
  • Added unpinMessage method in BaseChannel
  • Added lastPinnedMessage property in OpenChannel
  • Added onPinnedMessageUpdated in OpenChannelHandler


  • Added customTypeFilters in UnreadItemCountParams

v4.13.3 (Aug 01, 2024)


  • Fixed a build error related to Node.js package inclusion

v4.13.2 (Jul 31, 2024)


  • Added hasBot and hasAiBot in GroupChannel
  • Added version to MessageForm
  • Fixed a bug where MessageForm.isSubmitted is evaluated as true for a MessageForm of which every MessageFormItem.required is false and the message form is not yet submitted
  • Fixed bug where too many request API in messageCollection
  • Fixed an issue where the SDK instance was not being correctly type-inferred
  • Improved Message delivery speed in MessageCollection Initialize

v4.13.1 (Jul 08, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug in MessageForm to support backward compatibility

v4.13.0 (Jul 03, 2024)


SDK now supports MessageForm! Form message can only be sent through AI Chatbot in Sendbird dashboard.

  • Added MessageForm
  • Added MessageFormItem
  • Added MessageFormItemStyle,
  • Added MessageFormItemLayout,
  • Added MessageFormItemResultCount,
  • Added submitMessageForm() in BaseMessage
  • Deprecated submitMessageForm(data) in BaseMessage


  • Added sb.authenticate()
  • Added sb.feedChannel.getTotalUnreadNotificationCount()
  • Deprecated sb.authenticateFeed()
  • Deprecated sb.feedChannel.getTotalUnreadMessageCount()
  • Fixed timing issue with BackGroundSync completion confirmation
  • Fixed a bug that userIdsFilter and searchFilter don't work in MessageCollection
  • (internal) Added ThrottleController in MessageCollection

v4.12.10 (Jun 28, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug that connect() fails if a session key is expired

v4.12.9 (Jun 24, 2024)


  • Added submitMessageForm() to BaseMessage


  • Lower the version of react-native-mmkv in peerDependencies from ^2.12.2 to ^2.0.0.

v4.12.8 (Jun 20, 2024)


  • Added includeMetaData to GroupChannelFilter

v4.12.7 (Jun 05, 2024)


  • Fixed the Feedback feature to function correctly
  • Fixed a bug where groupChannel.cachedMetadata was returned as undefined in the result value of ChangeLogs

v4.12.6 (May 28, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug that always throws a Connection is canceled error when connect() is failed
  • Fixed a bug where SessionRefreshed() was called twice
  • Fixed a bug where SessionHandler callback is called when connect() is failed
  • Fixed a bug inconsistent count of joined channels
  • Improved stability

v4.12.5 (May 22, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug that pending MultipleFilesMessage has empty data
  • Fixed a bug that loadMore() in GroupChannelCollection gives less channels in a certain condition
  • Improved stability

v4.12.4 (May 16, 2024)


  • Added useMMKVStorageStore to SendbirdChatParams
  • Deprecated useAsyncStorageStore in SendbirdChatParams
  • Fixed a bug that connect() call may crash in a certain condition
  • Fixed a bug that MultipleFilesMessage has wrong data value
  • Improved stability

v4.12.3 (Apr 19, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug when called resetMyHistory(), messages in the cache aren't deleted

v4.12.2 (Apr 17, 2024)


  • Added ErrorCode(USER_DEACTIVATED) in Message Resendable Condition

v4.12.1 (Apr 11, 2024)


  • Added additional parameters in GroupChannelEventContext


  • Fixed a bug that lastMessage not updating on reply
  • Fixed a bug that database upgrade fails in certain environment
  • Improvement stability

vv4.12.0 (Mar 25, 2024)


  • Added markPushNotificationAsDelivered
  • Added markPushNotificationAsClicked
  • Added token registration with device info
  • Added logViewed/logClicked in FeedChannel
  • Deprecated markAsClicked/logImpression in FeedChannel
  • (internal)Refactoring statCollector
  • Fixed a bug that onMessagesUpdated event not firing on ThreadInfo updated event
  • Exported SendbirdErrorCode
  • Improvement stability

v4.11.3 (Mar 14, 2024)


  • Added keys property to MessageTemplateListParams
  • Fixed a bug that database migration fails in a certain condition
  • Improvement stability

v4.11.2 (Mar 08, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug that markAsRead() with messages does not trigger any event in NotificationCollection

v4.11.1 (Mar 07, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug that markAsRead() with messages wrongly signals updating messages in NotificationCollection
  • Improvement stability

v4.11.0 (Feb 28, 2024)



Message templates created via platform API can be fetched with getMessageTemplatesByToken() and getMessageTemplate()

  • Added MessageTemplate
  • Added MessageTemplateList
  • Added MessageTemplateListParams
  • Added MessageTemplateListResult
  • Added MessageTemplateInfo
  • Added messageTemplateInfo in AppInfo
  • Added getMessageTemplatesByToken(), and getMessageTemplate() in MessageModule


  • Fixed a bug where channel list of GroupChannelCollection was not removed when leaving a public group
  • Added get message template feature
  • Improvement stability


  • Fixed a bug where thumbnails are not being set properly
  • Improvement stability

v4.10.9 (Feb 14, 2024)


  • Added priority in NotificationMessage

Message threading

  • Added ThreadedParentMessageListQuery
  • Added createThreadedParentMessageListQuery() in GroupChannel
  • Added markThreadAsRead() in BaseMessage
  • Added setPushNotificationEnabled() in BaseMessage
  • Added totalUnreadReplyCount in BaseChannel
  • Added unreadReplyCount, memberCount, isPushNotificationEnabled in ThreadInfo


  • Fixed a bug that unreadMessageCount does not match in a certain condition
  • Fixed a bug with markAsRead() error in a certain condition
  • Improvement stability

v4.10.8 (Feb 2, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug where onMentionReceived event is called when a mention is deleted
  • Fixed a bug: sendbird.min.js does not set the SDK to global object
  • Fixed bug where onMessagesUpdated() event do not called if localCacheEnable is false
  • Fixed bug in LogLevel order
  • Fixed issue where the parent message retrieved from the cache is a multiple files message and is not parsed correctly
  • Added appState check when throwing network exception
  • Added extendedMessagePayload to UserMessageCreateParams
  • Improvement stability

v4.10.7 (Jan 17, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug that open channel messages are stored in cache
  • Improvement stability

v4.10.6 (Dec 21, 2023)


  • Added uploadFile() in BaseChannel
  • Fixed a bug that lastMessage updates in a condition that it shouldn't

v4.10.5 (Dec 8, 2023)


  • Added prevResultLimit/nextResultLimit in BaseMessageCollectionParams
  * @param limit Deprecated since v4.10.5. Use prevResultLimit/nextResultLimit instead.
  groupChannel.createMessagecollection( { limit: 10 } );
  groupChannel.createMessageCollection({ prevResultLimit: 5, nextResultLimit: 5, });
  • Added constructor in MessageFilter/GroupChannelFilter
 const filter: MessageFilter = new MessageFilter();
 filter.senderUserIdsFilter = [ ... ];
 const filter:MessageFilter = new MessageFilter({
   senderUserIdsFilter: [ ... ],
 groupChannel.createMessagecollection( { filter } );
 const filter:GroupChannelFilter = new GroupChannelFilter();
 filter.includeEmpty = true;
 const filter:GroupChannelFilter = new GroupChannelFilter({
    includeEmpty: true,
 sb.groupChannel.createGroupChannelCollection({ filter });
  • Added markAsRead(messages: NotificationMessage[]) in FeedChannel
  • (internal) Removed markAsReadBy(messages: NotificationMessage[]) in FeedChannel
  • Fixed bug where is_reply_to_channel parsing error in BaseMessage
  • Fixed bug where onMessagesUpdated() event do not called if localCacheEnable is false
  • Improvement stability

v4.10.4 (Nov 16, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug of flooded cache in React Native

v4.10.3 (Nov 03, 2023)


  • Added logCustom() in FeedChannel to log custom stat

v4.10.2 (Nov 02, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where an exception wasn't thrown during connection()

v4.10.1 (Oct 31, 2023)


Introduced the extended_message_payload field to the messagePrototype

It simplifies the process by returning Record<{ [string]: any }>, eliminating the need to stringify values like extended_message. This improvement enhances the functionality of the AI chat bot, particularly in areas such as forms, suggested_replies, and custom_views.


  • Added markAsClicked() in FeedChannel
  • Updated interface of markAsReadBy() in FeedChannel to take messages as a parameter
  • Updated interface of logImpression() in FeedChannel to take messages as a parameter
  • Fixed a bug where groupChannel.upsert
  • Fixed a bug where getMessageCommand parsing error
  • Fixed a bug where an unhandled exception
  • (internal) Fixed a bug where SessionRefreshAPIResponseCommand parsing

v4.10.0 (Oct 13, 2023)


  • Added new read-only attribute messageReviewInfo on the UserMessage
  export default class UserMessage {
	  // exist only if the message is in review or it has been approved
	  readonly messageReviewInfo: MessageReviewInfo?

  export default class MessageReviewInfo {
	  readonly status: MessageReviewStatus;
	  readonly originalMessageInfo?: OriginalMessageInfo;  // (exist only if the status is approved)

  export enum MessageReviewStatus {
	  INREVIEW = 'InReview',
	  APPROVED = 'Approved',

  export interface OriginalMessageInfo {
	  createdAt: number;
	  messageId: number;
  • Added getDeliveryStatus(includeAllMembers = true) interface


  • Fixed a bug where a session refresh error occurred repeatedly
  • Fixed a bug where uploadableFileInfo.fileUrl does not include auth value when auth is required internally
  • (internal) Fixed a bug that channel refresh not triggering onChannelUpdated event
    • Please use changelog instead for improved stability
  • Fixed a bug that connect() timed out in a certain case

v4.9.14 (Oct 6, 2023)


  • Added messageStatus in NotificationMessage
  • Added markAsReadBy(notificationIds) in FeedChannel
  • Added logImpression(notificationIds) in FeedChannel


  • Fixed a bug that MessageCollection has wrong hasPrevious and hasNext in a certain condition
  • Fixed a bug that groupChannel.refresh() does not trigger onChannelUpdated in MessageCollection
  • Fixed a bug that metaArrays parameter does not work in updateUserMessage() and updateFileMessage()

v4.9.13 (Sep 27, 2023)


  • Improved stability

v4.9.12 (Sep 22, 2023)


  • Added NotificationMessage
    • NotificationMessage uses notificationId as key instead of messageId
    • FeedChannel to have NotificationMessage as lastMessage


  • Fixed a bug that markAsRead() fails with authenticateFeed()
  • Fixed a bug that onSessionClosed() is called unintentionally

v4.9.11 (Sep 14, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug that session refreshes even if the session is revoked or deactivated
  • Improvement stability

v4.9.10 (Aug 30, 2023)


  • Added isCategoryFilterEnabled in FeedChannel.
  • Added isTemplateLabelEnabled in FeedChannel.
  • Added notificationCategories in FeedChannel.
  • Added tags in NotificationData


  • Added enableAutoResend in LocalCacheConfig to control auto-resending feature when local cache is enabled
  • Fixed a bug that cache is cleared unintentionally
  • Improvement stability

v4.9.9 (Aug 16, 2023)


  • Added authenticateFeed() in SendbirdChat to log in without connection
  • Added refreshNotificationCollections() in SendbirdChat to manually catch up the recent updates
  • Added notificationData in BaseMessage


  • Fixed a bug that reconnection hangs for deactivated user
  • Fixed bug not parsing for string array type thumbnails
  • Fixed a bug where message parsing throws the wrong exception

v4.9.8 (Aug 9, 2023)


  • Added BaseChannel.copyMessage() that supports user, file, and multiple files message
  • Added BaseChannel.resendMessage() that supports user, file, and multiple files message
// Copy a succeeded multiple files message.
channelA.copyMessage(channelB, multipleFilesMessageToCopy)
  .onPending((message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...
  .onFailed((err: SendbirdError, message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...
  .onSucceeded((message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...

// Resend a failed or canceled multiple files message.
  .onPending((message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...
  .onFailed((err: SendbirdError, message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...
  .onSucceeded((message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...
    requestId: string,
    index: number,
    uploadableFileInfo: UploadableFileInfo,
    err?: Error
  ) => {
    // ...


  • Deprecated BaseChannel.copyUserMessage()
  • Deprecated BaseChannel.copyFileMessage()
  • Deprecated BaseChannel.resendUserMessage()
  • Deprecated BaseChannel.resendFileMessage()


  • Changed MessageHandler, FailedMessageHandler, MessageRequestHandler, and MultipleFilesMessageRequestHandler to have generic message type
  • Fixed the bug where reply messages were not being automatically resent
  • Fixed the bug where initializing the message collection without result handler throws an error
  • Fixed the bug where message collection updating the left group channel
  • Added createdAfter and createdBefore filters in GroupChannelListQuery

v4.9.7 (Aug 3, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where HugeGabCheck in MessageCollection has missed some filters

v4.9.6 (Aug 1, 2023)


  • Added FeedChannelModule
    • FeedChannelModule could be imported from @sendbird/chat/feedChannel
    • Added createMyFeedChannelListQuery() to create FeedChannelListQuery
    • Added getChannel(), getMyFeedChannelChangeLogsByTimestamp(), getMyFeedChannelChangeLogsByToken() to fetch FeedChannel data
    • Added getGlobalNotificationChannelSetting() to get notification settings
    • Added getNotificationTemplateListByToken(), getNotificationTemplate() to fetch NotificationTemplate
  • Added FeedChannelHandler
  • Added FeedChannel
    • Added FEED channel type
    • Added createNotificationCollection() to create NotificationCollection
    • Added refresh() to refresh the feed channel
    • Added markAsRead()
  • Added FeedChannelListQuery
  • Added NotificationCollection
    • NotificationCollection acts as same as MessageCollection
  • Added isChatNotification in GroupChannel
  • Added includeChatNotification in GroupChannelListQuery, GroupChannelListParams, GroupChannelChangeLogsParams
  • Added notificationInfo in AppInfo
  • Added onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged in UserEventHandler
    • Deprecated onTotalUnreadMessageCountUpdated in UserEventHandler


  • Added meta data and meta counter related event to pass to GroupChannelCollection
  • Fixed a bug in parsing parent message info
  • Fixed a bug where a deactivated or deleted user hangs on reconnect
  • Fixed a bug where the removed metadata would not be updated when receiving the channel's metadata from the server
  • Improved stability

v4.9.5 (July 27, 2023)


  • Fixed bug when received CHANNEL_INVITE event inviter is null
  • Updated MessageCollectionEventHandler members to be optional

v4.9.4 (July 21, 2023)


  • Added EVENT_CHANNEL_BANNED to GroupchannelEventSource
  • Changed err the argument of FailedMessageHandler to not nullable type
  • Changed return value type of sb.connect() to not nullable type
  • Fixed a bug where don't get channel Info in Cache in GroupChannelCollection
  • Fixed a bug where return empty result in loadPrevious in MessageCollection
  • Fixed a bug where HugeGap check in MessageCollection
  • Fixed a bug where Poll.applyPollVoteEvent() not updating Poll.voterCount
  • Fixed a bug where the group channel changelogs did not update the group channel metadata
  • Improved stability

v4.9.3 (Jun 22, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where sb.connect() fails when localCacheEnabled set to false in browsers with disabled Cookies
  • Fixed a bug where GroupChannelCollection displays channels in wrong order for GroupChannelListOrder.LATEST_LAST_MESSAGE

v4.9.2 (Jun 14, 2023)


- JS Chat SDK version `4.9.1` and `4.9.2` has a CRTICAL BUG where FileMessage is NOT received when sent from an Android device. Please SKIP version `4.9.0` and `4.9.1`, and update to version `4.9.2` or above instead.

v4.9.1 (Jun 05, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where FileMessage is sent as a MultipleFilesMessage## v4.9.1 (Jun 05, 2023)



  • Fixed a bug where the name, size, and type of FileMessage's PendingMessage were set to default values

v4.9.0 (Jun 01, 2023)



You can send a MultipleFilesMessage that contains multiple files in a single message via GroupChannel.sendMultipleFilesMessage()

  • Added MultipleFilesMessage
  • Added UploadedFileInfo
  • Added MultipleFilesMessageCreateParams
  • Added UploadableFileInfo
  • Added MultipleFilesMessageRequestHandler
  • Added FileUploadHandler
  • Added GroupChannel.sendMultipleFilesMessage()
  • Updated return type of MessageModule.buildMessageFromSerializedData()
  • Added AppInfo.multipleFilesMessageFileCountLimit
const params: MultipleFilesMessageCreateParams = {

  .onPending((message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...
  .onFailed((err: SendbirdError, message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...
  .onSucceeded((message: MultipleFilesMessage) => {
    // ...
    requestId: string,
    index: number,
    uploadableFileInfo: UploadableFileInfo,
    err?: Error
  ) => {
    // ...


  • Fixed a bug that database is broken in some environment
  • Added raw payload for UIKit configuration request

v4.8.5 (May 24, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug in the environment that does not allow local storage access
  • Improved stability

v4.8.4 (May 19, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where channel metadat disappears when receiving channel events

v4.8.3 (May 17, 2023)


  • Added handling of session revocation
  • Fixed a bug that session refresh fails when session token is expired
  • Improved stability

v4.8.2 (May 12, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug that PublicGroupChannelListQuery overwrites the cache with missing properties

v4.8.1 (May 04, 2023)


  • Improved stability

v4.8.0 (May 03, 2023)



You can now retrieve all pinned messages in a GroupChannel by the PinnedMessageListQuery.

  • Added PinnedMessage
  • Added PinnedMessageListQuery, PinnedMessageListQueryParams
  • Added groupChannel.createPinnedMessageListQuery()
const query = groupChannel.createPinnedMessageListQuery(params);
const pinnedMessages = await;


  • Improvements stability

v4.7.2 (Apr 19, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where MessageCollection.initialize() would throw an Error in some cases

v4.7.1 (Apr 18, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug on AbortController import

v4.7.0 (Apr 17, 2023)


(Moderation) Automatically detect when user is unmuted

You can now automatically detect when a muted user is unmuted by leveraging MessageCollections. Clients will now receive MessageCollectionHandler.onChannelUpdated() with GroupChannelContext.GroupChannelEventSource.EVENT_CHANNEL_UNMUTED when an user is unmuted after their muted duration has expired, on top of explict unmute calls. This now means that you can easily transition user’s experience and allow them to chat even more seamlessly. Note that this is a MessageCollections only feature! We recommend all of our clients to give it a try if you haven’t


  • Fixed a bug when broken disconnect() before cache initialization
  • Fixed a bug where LOGI error command processing
  • Added collection.close() when disconnect() is called
  • Added support for AbortController compatibility
  • Improved stability

v4.6.2 (Apr 05, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where GroupChannelCollection could not handle EVENT_MESSAGE_SENT

v4.6.1 (Mar 29, 2023)


  • Added fetch polyfill with AbortController support
  • Fixed a bug where messages in MessageCollection not carrying parentMessage value when they should
  • Improved stability

v4.6.0 (Mar 16, 2023)


Set your own Local Caching DB size

You can now control the size of your local cache. Starting from 64mb, decide how much you want to store (Default: 256mb). Once the size limit is reached, the SDK will automatically remove messages and channels with pre-specified logic (clearOrder) so that you don't have to actively manage it.

  • Added DB size related properties in LocalCacheConfig
const localCacheConfig: LocalCacheConfig = new LocalCacheConfig({
   maxSize: 256,
   clearOrder: CachedDataClearOrder.MESSAGE_COLLECTION_ACCESSED_AT,


  • Added SendbirdErrorCode.DATABASE_ERROR
  • Added getCachedDataSize() in SendBirdChat
  • Added OpenChannelCreateParams.isEphemeral
  • Fixed a bug where SDK reconnects internally in disconnected state after disconnectWebsocket() is called
  • Fixed a bug to use MemoryStore when SDK is running in a browser that does not support indexedDB
  • Improvement stability

v4.5.0 (Mar 3, 2023)


Polls in Open Channel

Polls is now supported in both Open Channels and Group Channels!


  • Added Poll.serialize()
  • Added PollModule.buildPollFromSerializedData()
  • Added onPollUpdated, onPollVoted, and onPollDeleted in OpenChannelHandlerParams
  • Moved following methods from GroupChannel to BaseChannel:
    • updatePoll()
    • deletePoll()
    • closePoll()
    • addPollOption()
    • updatePollOption()
    • deletePollOption()
    • votePoll()
    • getPollChangeLogsSinceTimestamp()
    • getPollChangeLogsSinceToken()
    • createPollListQuery()
    • createPollVoterListQuery()


  • Fixed a bug where GroupChannelFilter using nicknames (nicknameContainsFilter, nicknameExactMatchFilter, and nicknameExactMatchFilter) includes current user's nickname when searching from locally cached group channels
  • Fixed a bug where BaseMessage.applyThreadInfoUpdateEvent() always returning false
  • Fixed a bug where BaseChannel’s createMessageMetaArrayKeys, deleteMessageMetaArrayKeys, addMessageMetaArrayValues, and removeMessageMetaArrayValues returning unexpected result when file message is given

v4.4.0 (Feb 24, 2023)


Disconnect Websocket only

When you call sb.disconnect, it disconnects the WebSocket and clears local cache. You can think of it as logging out.

In some cases, you need to only disconnect the WebSocket. You can now do it by calling sb.disconnectWebSocket. It only disconnects the WebSocket and preserves the local cache.


To connect again after disconnecting with disconnectWebSocket(), use sb.connect().

const user = await sb.connect(userId: userId); 

Added appStateToggleEnabled param

Added SendbirdChatParams.appStateToggleEnabled which can be used to optionally disable internal control of Websocket connection on document.visibilityState change


  • Fixed a bug where changed groupChannel.members was not updated while disconnected

v4.3.1 (Feb 15, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where poll.votedOptionIds is not updated upon calling poll.applyPollUpdateEvent(pollUpdateEvent)
  • Fixed a bug where auto-resending file message fails occasionally
  • MessageCollectionEventHandler.onMessagesDeleted
    • Added a new parameter messages: BaseMessage[]
    • Deprecated messageIds: number[]
    • onMessagesDeleted callback now returns either unsent or sent messages through a new parameter messages: BaseMessage[], which you can use to remove pending messages
  • Fixed a bug where MessageRequestHandler.onPending is called when pending message is marked for auto-resend
  • Fixed a bug where MessageCollection.hasNext remains true after MessageCollection.initialize() is called with startingPoint as now
  • Fixed a bug where SDK calls MessageCollectionEventHandler when handler has not been set
  • Fixed a bug where MessageCollectionEventHandler.onMessagesUpdated is called on update of GroupChannels getUnreadMemberCount and getUndeliveredMemberCount
  • Deprecated EVENT_MESSAGE_READ and EVENT_MESSAGE_DELIVERED in MessageEventSource
  • Exported BaseMessageCreateParams and BaseMessageUpdateParams
  • Improved stability

v4.3.0 (Feb 01, 2023)


Participant class in Open Channel

Participant is a new interface for User who joined Open Channel. It's optimized for scalability and contains much lighter information about the User than a Member in Group Channel. Now clients can implement Open Channels easier in SDK with more built-in capabilities. You can compare how Member, Participant, and User are different here

  • Participant holds essential information about the participant like below. They contain their muted status (is_muted) on top of basic User information
class Participant extends User {
  readonly isMuted: boolean;
  • now returns Promise<Participant[]>
  • For backward compatibility, the return type remains as Promise<User[]>, but the return value can be casted into Promise<Participant[]>

v4.2.9 (Feb 01, 2023)


  • Added SendbirdChatOptions.sessionTokenRefreshTimeout. You can now set longer timeout value for session token expire. (Default: 60s, Maximum: 1800s). This means that Sendbird SDK will wait longer for your new session token, making it easier for you to reconnect to our service.


  • Improved stability

v4.2.8 (Jan 27, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where groupChannelHandler.onChannelChanged() is not called on pin or unpin message event
  • Parameter params in getMessageChangeLogsSinceTimestamp(), and getMessageChangeLogsSinceToken() is now made optional

v4.2.7 (Jan 24, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug where MessageCollection.hasPrevious is false when there exists old messages

v4.2.6 (Jan 20, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug of where onChannelsAdded event is not fired upon creating a first channel in GroupChannelCollection when localCacheEnabled is set to false.
  • Improved stability

v4.2.5 (Jan 17, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug in MessageCollection onMessagesUpdated event triggered for old messages
  • Fixed a bug where calling connect while offline did not reconnect even when the app came online
  • Improved stability

v4.2.4 (Jan 11, 2023)


  • Fixed a bug in MessageCollection where old messages are being added to the view when app reconnects
  • Added argument validation in GroupChannel.pinMessage() and GroupChannel.unpinMessage()
  • Fixed a bug where GroupChannelHandler.onChannelChanged() and GroupChannelHandler.onPinnedMessageUpdated() events are not called when channel.lastPinnedMessage is updated
  • Improved stability

v4.2.3 (Dec 29, 2022)


  • Fixed a bug in GroupChannelCollection.dispose() not to clear the event handler
  • Fixed a bug in MessageCollection.dispose() not to clear the event handler
  • Fixed a bug in flooding semaphore keys in localStorage

v4.2.2 (Dec 23, 2022)


  • Unlimited store size support
  • Fixed a bug in MessageCollection.displose() not to clear the event handler

v4.2.1 (Dec 16, 2022)


  • Fixed a bug where calling sb.connect() right after sb.disconnect() throws an error given the user had entered an open channel
  • Improved stability on WebSocket connection handling

v4.2.0 (Dec 9, 2022)


Pinned Message 📌

Pinned Message is released. You can now maintain a special set of messages (up to 10 per channel) that you want everyone in the channel to share. It can be anything from announcements, surveys, upcoming events, and any many more. Pin your messages and never miss them! Stay tuned for updates as we are rolling out more exciting features and see below for exact specifications:point_down:


  • Pin when sending a message
    • UserMessageCreateParams.isPinnedMessage: boolean = false
    • FileMessageCreateParams.isPinnedMessage: boolean = false
  • Pin existing message
    • GroupChannel.pinMessage(messageId: number): Promise<void>
  • Unpin a message
    • GroupChannel.unpinMessage(messageId: number): Promise<void>
  • Pinned messages
    • GroupChannel.lastPinnedMessage: BaseMessage = null
    • GroupChannel.pinnedMessageIds: number[] = []

We strongly recommend using Collections (Message, Channel) to implement Pinned Messages as it would automatically take care of numerous events out of the box when messages are created, updated, and deleted.


  • Improved stability

v4.1.5 (Nov 24, 2022)

  • MessageCollection now loads unsent messages from cache before onCacheResult() is called

v4.1.4 (Nov 16, 2022)

  • Replaced SendableMessage to BaseMessage in some message updating methods in BaseChannel and GroupChannel
  • Fixed a bug where poll changelog is being called when there is no poll message in a group channel
  • Fixed a bug where SessionHandler triggers onSessionTokenRequired event even when authToken is still valid

v4.1.3 (Nov 16, 2022)

  • Improved stability

v4.1.2 (Nov 15, 2022)

  • Fixed a bug where Poll changelog being called when it's not enabled
  • Fixed the wrong MessageCollection event being triggered
  • Removed isAnonymous in Poll, PollCreateParams, and PollUpdateParams
  • Improved channel.messageOffsetTimestamp logic
  • Corrected session related error code
  • Improved stability

v4.1.1 (Oct 26, 2022)

  • Exported existing interfaces including MessageSearchQueryParams and others (22 in total)

v4.1.0 (Oct 14, 2022)



Polls is released 🎉 Here’s where we think it will be really powerful.

  • Collect feedback and customer satisfaction
  • Drive engagement by receiving participants in preferences
  • Run surveys and quiz shows
  • And many more!

Scheduled messages

Scheduled messages is released 🎊 Here’s where we think it will be really useful.

  • Let your users queue their messages for the future
  • Set helpful reminders and notifications to nudge certain actions
  • And many more!


  • Fixed a cross domain issue in OnlineDetector
  • Fixed a bug where MessageCollectionEventHandler.onMessagesUpdated is wrongly called for a message already added on connect or reconnect

Please note that both Polls and Scheduled Messages are released as beta features. Thus specific parameters and properties may change to improve client’s overall experience.

Stay tuned for updates as we are rolling out more exciting features and see below for exact specifications 👇



  • Create
    • PollModule.create()
      • PollCreateParams
      • UserMessageCreateParams.pollId
  • Read
    • PollModule.get()
      • PollRetrievalParams
    • SendbirdChat.createPollListQuery()
      • PollListQueryParams
    • GroupChannel.createPollListQuery()
    • UserMessage.poll
  • Update
    • GroupChannel.updatePoll()
      • PollUpdateParams
    • GroupChannel.closePoll()
  • Delete
    • GroupChannel.deletePoll()
  • Others:
    • Poll
    • GroupChannel.getPollChangeLogsSinceTimestamp()
    • GroupChannel.getPollChangeLogsSinceToken()
    • PollData
    • GroupChannelHandlerParams.onPollUpdated()
    • GroupChannelHandlerParams.onPollDeleted()
  • Create
    • GroupChannel.addPollOption()
  • Read
    • PollModule.getOption()
      • PollOptionRetrievalParams
    • SendbirdChat.createPollVoterListQuery()
      • PollVoterListQueryParams
    • GroupChannel.createPollVoterListQuery()
  • Update
    • GroupChannel.updatePollOption()
    • GroupChannel.votePoll()
  • Delete
    • GroupChannel.deletePollOption()
  • Others:
    • PollOption
    • GroupChannelHandlerParams.onPollVoted()
    • PollStatus
    • PollVoteEvent
    • PollUpdateEvent
    • CollectionEventSource.EVENT_POLL_UPDATED
    • CollectionEventSource.EVENT_POLL_VOTED
    • CollectionEventSource.SYNC_POLL_CHANGELOGS

Scheduled Messages

  • Create
    • GroupChannel.createScheduledUserMessage()
    • GroupChannel.createScheduledFileMessage()
  • Read
    • ScheduledMessageListQuery
    • BaseMessage.getScheduledMessage()
      • ScheduledMessageRetrievalParams
  • Update
    • GroupChannel.updateScheduledUserMessage()
    • GroupChannel.updateScheduledFileMessage()
  • Delete
    • GroupChannel.cancelScheduledMessage()
  • Others
    • ScheduledInfo
    • SendingStatus.SCHEDULED
    • BaseMessage.scheduledInfo
    • GroupChannelModule.getTotalScheduledMessageCount()
      • TotalScheduledMessageCountParams

v4.0.13 (Sep 28, 2022)

  • Added nicknameStartsWithFilter and nicknameExactMatchFilter in GroupChannelListQueryParams
  • Implemented channel membership history where clients can retrieve whether users have joined or left the channel
  • Added constructor support for SessionHandler, ConnectionHandler, and UserEventHandler
  • BaseChannel.resendFileMessge() now takes FileCompat instead of Blob in order to support React Native
  • Improved stability

v4.0.12 (Sep 23, 2022)

  • Fixed a bug in GroupChannel.setMyPushTriggerOption() to include channel url in request body
  • Fixed a bug where resendUserMessage() and resendFileMessage() in BaseChannel not using the given failedMessage.reqId
  • Added missed export for enums: ScheduledMessageListOrder, ScheduledStatus, UnreadItemKey, and MutedMemberFilter
  • Deprecated BaseChannel.isPushEnabled

v4.0.11 (Aug 31, 2022)

  • Added getMessagesByMessageId() to BaseChannel
  • Added MessageSearchQuery's totalCount and made it public
  • Fixed reportUser() returning 404 Error
  • Fixed a bug where after the user updates their profile and sends a message or is mentioned, their profile wasn't being updated in the received message
  • Added parameter validation check in sb.connect()
  • Improved stability

v4.0.10 (Aug 19, 2022)

  • Added sb.setOnlineListener() and sb.setOfflineListener() interfaces for non-browser environments
  • Updated to stop all running sync jobs when GroupChannelCollection.dispose(), and MessageCollection.dispose() is called
  • Added missing exports to sendbird.min.js
  • Improved stability

v4.0.9 (Aug 03, 2022)

  • Fixed a bug where numeric zero values are being removed from request url
  • Improved stability

v4.0.8 (Jul 26, 2022)

  • Fixed a bug where request url is malformed when it includes a stringified array as a parameter value
  • Fixed a bug where groupChannelCollection.onChannelsUpdated() is not called when groupChannel.lastMessage is updated
  • Fixed a bug where file upload failed messages are not resendable
  • Improved stability

v4.0.7 (Jul 20, 2022)

  • Fixed a bug where groupChannelCollection.hasNext is always true.
  • Fixed a bug where messageCollection.initialize() returning the result in reverse order.
  • Fixed a bug where channelHandler.onMentionReceived() returning a channel with mentionedCount value not updated when expected to be updated.
  • Params parameter of getUnreadItemCount(), getTotalUnreadMessageCount(), getTotalScheduledMessageCount(), createDistinctChannelIfNotExist() in GroupChannelModule are now made optional.
  • Deprecated sessionHandler.onSessionExpired().
  • Improved stability.

v4.0.6 (Jul 8, 2022)

  • Fixed a bug messageRequestHandler.onFailed() to always return a failed message.
  • Improved stability.

v4.0.5 (Jul 6, 2022)

  • Fixed a bug on AppStateChangeDetector in ReactNative.

v4.0.4 (Jul 1, 2022)

  • Changed GroupChannel.createScheduledUserMessage() and GroupChannel.createScheduledFileMessage() to return a MessageRequestHandler instance.
  • An optional property scheduledMessageParams has been added to ScheduledInfo.
  • Fixed a bug where succeededMessage.replyToChannel is false when a message is sent with messageParams.isReplyToChannel set to true.
  • Improved stability.

v4.0.3 (Jun 28, 2022)

  • Fixed bug: Crash on using OpenChannelModule alone.

v4.0.2 (Jun 22, 2022)

  • Added missing GroupChannelListQueryParams, GroupChannelCollectionParams, and PublicGroupChannelListQueryParams in GroupChannelModule.

v4.0.1 (Jun 17, 2022)

  • Added appInfo getter in SendbirdChat.
  • Improved stability.

v4.0.0 (Jun 14, 2022)

To see detailed changes for below items, please refer to the migration guide

  • All apis are now made async and callbacks are removed

  • The way to instantiate SendBird instance has changed from new SendBird to SendbirdChat.init()

  • sendUserMessage(), sendFileMessage() no longer takes callback as argument but added onPending(), onFailed(), onSucceeded event handler instead

  • All XxxParams classes (except XxxHandlerParams classes) are now interfaces

      // old
      const params = new XxxParams();
      // new
      const params = { ... };
  • All XxxListQuery classes are now immutable.

      // old
      const query = sb.GroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery();
      query.customTypesFilter = ['a', 'b']
      // new
      const query = sb.groupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery({ customTypesFilter: [‘a’, ‘b’] });
  • Added SendbirdChatParams.localCacheEncryption

  • Added onConnected, and onDisconnected to ConnectionHandler

  • Added addOpenChannelHandler,removeOpenChannelHandler, removeAllOpenChannelHandlers in OpenChannelModule

  • Added addGroupChannelHandler,removeGroupChannelHandler, removeAllGroupChannelHandlers in GroupChannelModule

  • Added UserUpdateParams

  • Added UnreadItemCountParams

  • Removed sb.addChannelHandler(), sb.removeChannelHandler(), and sb.removeAllChannelHandlers()

  • Removed builder pattern for GroupChannelCollection and MessageCollection

  • Removed sb.updateCurrentUserInfoWithProfileImage(). Use sb.updateCurrentUserInfo() instead

  • Removed MessageCollectionInitPolicy.CACHE_ONLY

  • Replaced SendBirdParams with SendbirdChatParams

  • Replaced sb.GroupChannel with GroupChannelModule

  • Replaced sb.OpenChannel with OpenChannelModule

  • Replaced sb.BaseMessage with MessageModule

  • Replaced SendBird.setLogLevel() with sb.logLevel and SendbirdChatParams.logLevel

  • Replaced sb.useAsyncStorageAsDatabase() to SendbirdChatParams.useAsyncStorageStore

  • Replaced channelHandler.onReadReceiptUpdated to groupChannelHandler.onUnreadMemberStatusUpdated

  • Replaced channelHandler.onDeliveryReceiptUpdated to groupChannelHandler.onUndeliveredMemberStatusUpdated

  • Replaced GroupChannelParams with GroupChannelCreateParams and GroupChannelUpdateParams

  • Replaced OpenChannelParams with OpenChannelCreateParams and OpenChannelUpdateParams

  • Replaced UserMessageParams with UserMessageCreateParams and UserMessageUpdateParams

  • Replaced FileMessageParams with FileMessageCreateParams and FileMessageUpdateParams

  • Replaced SendBird.getInstance() with SendbirdChat.instance

  • Replaced sb.getApplicationId() with sb.appId

  • Replaced sb.getConnectionState() with sb.connectionState

  • Replaced sb.getLastConnectedAt() with sb.lastConnectedAt

  • Replaced sb.Options.useMemberAsMessageSender with sb.options.useMemberInfoInMessage

  • Replaced channel.getCachedMetaData() with channel.cachedMetaData

  • Replaced message.isResendable() with message.isResendable

  • Replaced sb.UserMessage.buildFromSerializedData(), sb.FileMessage.buildFromSerializedData(), and sb.AdminMessage.buildFromSerializedData() with sb.message.buildMessageFromSerializedData()

  • Replaced requestedMentionUserIds with mentionedUserIds in BaseMessage

  • Replaced isUserMessage,isFileMessage,isAdminMessage with isUserMessage(),isFileMessage() and isAdminMessage() in BaseMessage

  • Replaced isGroupChannel,isOpenChannel with isGroupChannel() and isOpenChannel()

  • Moved sb.appVersion to SendbirdChatParams.appVersion

  • Moved sb.getMyGroupChannelChangeLogsByToken() to sb.groupChannel.getMyGroupChannelChangeLogsByToken()

  • Moved sb.getMyGroupChannelChangeLogsByTimestamp() to sb.groupChannel.getMyGroupChannelChangeLogsByTimestamp()

  • Moved sb.getUnreadItemCount() to sb.groupChannel.getUnreadItemCount()

  • Moved sb.getTotalUnreadChannelCount() to sb.groupChannel.getTotalUnreadChannelCount()

  • Moved sb.getTotalUnreadMessageCount() to sb.groupChannel.getTotalUnreadMessageCount()

  • Moved sb.getTotalScheduledMessageCount() to sb.groupChannel.getTotalScheduledMessageCount()

  • Moved sb.getSubscribedTotalUnreadMessageCount() to sb.groupChannel.getSubscribedTotalUnreadMessageCount()

  • Moved sb.getSubscribedCustomTypeTotalUnreadMessageCount() to sb.groupChannel.getSubscribedCustomTypeTotalUnreadMessageCount()

  • Moved sb.getSubscribedCustomTypeUnreadMessageCount() to sb.groupChannel.getSubscribedCustomTypeUnreadMessageCount()

  • Moved sb.Sender.buildFromSerializedData() to sb.message.buildSenderFromSerializedData()

  • Moved sb.GroupChannel.buildFromSerializedData() to sb.groupChannel.buildGroupChannelFromSerializedData()

  • Moved sb.GroupChannelListQuery.buildFromSerializedData() to sb.groupChannel.buildGroupChannelListQueryFromSerializedData()

  • Moved sb.Member.buildFromSerializedData() to sb.groupChannel.buildMemberFromSerializedData()

  • Moved sb.OpenChannel.buildFromSerializedData() to sb.openChannel.buildOpenChannelFromSerializedData()

  • Moved sb.User.buildFromSerializedData() to sb.buildUserFromSerializedData()

  • Divided ChannelHandler into GroupChannelHandler and OpenChannelHandler

  • Renamed SendbirdException to SendbirdError

  • Renamed sb.initializeDatabase() to sb.initializeCache()

  • Renamed sb.clearDatabase() to sb.clearCachedData()

  • Renamed Options to SendbirdChatOptions

  • Renamed groupChannel.cachedReadReceiptStatus to groupChannel.cachedUnreadMemberState

  • Renamed groupChannel.cachedDeliveryReceiptStatus to groupChannel.cachedUndeliveredMemberState

  • Renamed GCMPushToken to FCMPushToken


For the changelog between the beta release, please refer to this page

v3 Changelog

Please refer to this page