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What you need to know

This isn't any old game of snake. Here are some differences.

  • It's multiplayer.
  • You control your snake by writing AI
  • It's RESTful

What you need to do

The snakewithus server will POST to 5 different endpoints that your snake has to respond to.

  • /register

A request is made to this endpoint once when you register. Expected return data:

    "name": "Franky",
    "head_img_url": "path/to/your/snake/head"
  • /start

A request is made to this endpoint when the game starts. You can do stuff here if you want.

  • /end

A request is made here when your snake dies. Do stuff.

  • /tick

The server POSTs the game board state to your snake every tick.

    "game_id": "<SOME_ID>",
    "id": "<ID>",
    "snakes": [ "<SNAKE_OBJ>" ],
    "board": [
            [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], ... // Game square objects (see below)
            [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], ...
            [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], ...
        ], ...
    "turn_num": 0,
    "game_over": false

###Game square object

    "type": "snake|food|snake_head",
    "id": "snake id or null"

Expected return data:

    "move": "n|e|s|w",
    "message": "troll comment"

How to register your snake

Create a new game by going to and clicking "NEW GAME". It will create a game instance for you. Use the following curl command to register your snake AI with the game instance.

curl -XPUT '' -d '{ "player_url": "" }' -H "content-type: application/json"    

Writing your AI

The request to your /tick endpoint happens every game tick. It will post the game board to your snake. Figure out which direction to go next turn and let er fly!


Client methods

clients must implement the below REST methods


called when the client joins a new game

request body

    "game_id": "unique-id-for-game",
    "client_id": "unique-id-server-generated-for-client",
    "board": {
        "width": "width",
        "height": "height",
        "num_players": 0

expected response

    "name": "name of the snake",
    "head_img_url": "(optional) url to 10x10 image for snake head"


called at the start of a game

request body

    "game_id": "unique-id-for-game"

expected response



called at the end of a game

request body

    "game_id": "unique-id-for-game"

expected response



called at every game tick

    Game state object (see below)

expected response

    "move": "n|e|s|w",
    "message": ""

Object Structures

Game state object

    "id": "unique-id-for-game",
    "board": [
            [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], ... // Game square objects (see below)
            [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], ...
            [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], [{}, {}, ...], ...
        ], ...
    "snakes": [
            "id": "id of snake",
            "last_move": "",
            "name": "name of snake",
            "facing": "n|e|s|w",
            "status": "dead|alive",
            "message": "",
            "points": {
                "kills": 0,
                "food": 0,
        }, ...
    "turn_num": 0

Game square object

    "type": "snake|food|snake_head",
    "id": "snake id or null"


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