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Flutter plugin for integrating Sensie


In your project, open the pubspec.yaml file and add the plugin as a dependency under the dependencies section. Use the plugin name and the latest version you found on For example:

    sdk: flutter
  plugin_sensie: 0.0.2

And Install the plugin: Run the following command in your terminal, in your project's root directory, to download and install the plugin:

flutter pub get



Import SensieEngine and CalibrationSession class.

import 'package:plugin_sensie/plugin_sensie.dart';
import 'package:plugin_sensie/sensie_engine.dart';
import 'package:plugin_sensie/sensie.dart';
import 'package:plugin_sensie/calibration_session.dart';


Pass the generated token for Sensie SDK

_se = new SensieEngine(initAccessToken: '[Token]');


A method to establish a connection. It should return a promise that will tell us if the connection was successful.

await _se.connect()

Also, canRecalibrate property will be set depending on stored sensies in storage.


_cs = await _se.startCalibration(CalibrationInput(
          userId: 'userId',
          onEnds: (res) {

result will be an object with a single property contains calibration strength.

Capturing Sensie

Map<String, dynamic> sensie = await _cs.captureSensie(CaptureSensieInput(
        flow: true,
        onSensorData: (data) {

sensie will be an object with the following properties:

  • id: the id of the sensie
  • whips: the number of whips
  • valid: true if whips == 3

flow is boolean value(true or false)

onSensorData is a callback function that will be called every time we have new values from the sensors (optional)

data will be an object with the following properties:

  • gyroX: the gyroscope X axis value
  • gyroY: the gyroscope Y axis value
  • gyroZ: the gyroscope Z axis value
  • accelX: the accelerometer X axis value
  • accelY: the accelerometer Y axis value
  • accelZ: the accelerometer Z axis value


 _sensie = await _se.captureSensie(CaptureEvaluateSensieInput(
      userId: 'userId',
      onSensorData: (data) {

sensie object will be an object with the following properties:

  • id: the id of the sensie but undefied yet.
  • whips: the number of whips
  • flowing: the result of the evaluation (true or false)
  • setAgreement: Method for setting agreement. Sensie id will be set as soon as the agrement value is set. Agreement enum is included in the index.tsx.

Setting agreement


Reference App

Go to plugin_sensie/example and run 'flutter run'