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Command Line Interface

Sentinelsat provides a CLI sentinelsat to query and download multiple or single images.


A basic search query consists of a search polygon as well as the username and password to access the Copernicus Open Access Hub.

sentinelsat -u <user> -p <password> -g <geojson>

For convenience and added security you can set the username, password and DHuS URL as environment variables and omit their entry on the command line.

export DHUS_USER="<user>"
export DHUS_PASSWORD="<password>"
export DHUS_URL="<api_url>"

sentinelsat -g <geojson>

Search areas are provided as GeoJSON polygons, which can be created with QGIS or If you do not specify a start and end date only products published in the last 24 hours will be queried.

Start and end dates refer to the acquisition date given by the beginPosition of the products, i.e. the start of the acquisition time.


Search and download all Sentinel-1 scenes of type SLC over a search polygon, in descending orbit for the year 2015.

sentinelsat -u <user> -p <password> -g <search_polygon.geojson> -s 20150101 -e 20151231 -d \
--producttype SLC -q "orbitdirection=Descending" \
--url ""

Download a single Sentinel-1 GRDH scene covering Santa Claus Village in Finland on Christmas Eve 2015.

sentinelsat -u <user> -p <password> -d --uuid a9048d1d-fea6-4df8-bedd-7bcb212be12e

or by using its filename

sentinelsat -u <user> -p <password> -d --name S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDH_20151224T154142_20151224T154207_009186_00D3B0_C71E


Search and download Sentinel-2 scenes for January 2016 with a maximum cloud cover of 40%.

sentinelsat -u <user> -p <password> -g <search_polygon.geojson> -s 20160101 -e 20160131 --sentinel 2 --cloud 40 -d

Download all Sentinel-2 scenes published in the last 24 hours.

sentinelsat -u <user> -p <password> -g <search_polygon.geojson> --sentinel 2 -d


sentinelsat -u <user> -p <password> [OPTIONS]


-u --user TEXT Username [required] (or environment variable DHUS_USER)
-p --password TEXT Password [required] (or environment variable DHUS_PASSWORD)
  --url TEXT Define another API URL. Default URL is ''.
-s --start TEXT Start date of the query in the format YYYYMMDD.
-e --end TEXT End date of the query in the format YYYYMMDD.
-g --geometry PATH Search area geometry as GeoJSON file.
  --uuid TEXT Select a specific product UUID instead of a query. Multiple UUIDs can separated by commas.
  --name TEXT Select specific product(s) by filename. Supports wildcards.
  --sentinel   Limit search to a Sentinel satellite (constellation).
  --instrument   Limit search to a specific instrument on a Sentinel satellite.
  --producttype   Limit search to a Sentinel product type. List of valid product types can be found under producttype here.
-c --cloud INT Maximum cloud cover in percent. (requires --sentinel to be 2 or 3)
-o --order-by TEXT Comma-separated list of keywords to order the result by. Prefix '-' for descending order.
-l --limit INT Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to no limit.
-d --download   Download all results of the query.
  --path PATH Set the path where the files will be saved.
-q --query TEXT Extra search keywords you want to use in the query. Separate keywords with comma. Example: 'producttype=GRD,polarisationmode=HH'.
-f --footprints   Create geojson file search_footprints.geojson with footprints of the query result.
  --version   Show version number and exit.
  --help   Show help message and exit.

ESA maintains a list of valid search keywords that can be used with :option:`--query`.

The options :option:`--sentinel`, :option:`--instrument` and :option:`--producttype` are mutually exclusive and follow a hierarchy from most specific to least specific, i.e. :option:`--producttype` > :option:`--instrument` > :option:`--sentinel`. Only the most specific option will be included in the search when multiple ones are given.

Searching by name supports wildcards, such as S1A_IW*20151224* to find all Sentinel-1 A scenes from 24th of December 2015 without restricting the result to a search area.