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Applying Knowledge Tracing to Predict Exercise Response Time

By Shamiran Jaf and Sepehr Noorzadeh


This repository contains the master's thesis written by Shamiran Jaf and Sepehr Noorzadeh at Akribian AB while studying at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University.

It is a machine learning pipeline for knowledge tracing. It supports several public datasets, and one private dataset. It was built with PyTorch, NumPy and Pandas.


  • PyTorch (1.7.1)
  • NumPy (1.19.2)
  • Pandas (1.1.3)
  • SciPy (1.5.2)
  • scikit-learn (0.23.2)


Parameters for supported datasets can be found in config/ To add support for a new dataset, add new key-value pairs to each parameter dictionary.

Supported public datasets

GPU support

If you want to run the notebooks on a local GPU, you will need the appropriate CUDA (11.0) and cuDNN (8.0.4) version for the version of PyTorch that you are using.

CUDA and cuDNN are already installed on Google Colab, but the notebook must be set to use the GPU in the notebook settings on Colab.

How to run a notebook

Alternative 1: Run on Google Colab

  1. Upload the project to Google Drive
  2. Navigate to
  3. Select the notebook that you wish to run

Alternative 2: Run locally

To run locally, simply start a Jupyter server in the root directory and connect to it through a web browser. Please see the Jupyter notebook documentation for instructions.



First, you will have to preprocess the dataset you want to use. If you already have preprocessed data you can skip the following steps:

  1. Open thesis/preprocessing/sort_dataset.ipynb
  2. Set the DATASET parameter to the name of the dataset you want to preprocess.
  3. Run all cells in the notebook
  4. Open thesis/preprocessing/transform_dataset.ipynb
  5. Set the DATASET parameter to the name of the dataset you want to preprocess.
  6. Run all cells in the notebook
  7. Open thesis/preprocessing/split_and_window.ipynb
  8. Set the DATASET parameter to the name of the dataset you want to preprocess.
  9. Run all cells in the notebook

The preprocessed data should now be located at thesis/data/[DATASET_NAME]/processed/processed.h5


In order to train the model

  1. Open train_evaluate.ipynb
  2. Make sure that the DATASET parameter is set to the dataset you want to preprocess.
  3. Set the DATASET parameter to the name of the dataset you want to use.
  4. Set the MODEL parameter to the name of the model you want to train.
  5. Set the MODE parameter to either correctness or latency.
  6. Run all cells in the notebook

The model will be trained and continually saved to /thesis/models/checkpoints/[MODE + '_' + MODEL + '_' + DATASET].torch. When the threshold for early stopping has been reached the training will stop and results will be displayed.

Run predictions and show results

If you already have a trained model in /thesis/models/checkpoints/[MODE + '_' + MODEL + '_' + DATASET].torch you can set the SKIP_TRAINING switch to true in the train_evaluate.ipynb notebook to True to skip the training and just load the checkpoint before doing prediction and evaluation.

Add support for a new dataset

You can edit the file config/ and add parameters for your own dataset.

Folder structure

data contains data separated into dataset > raw/processed > model.

models/ contains the models used.

preprocessing contains preprocessing notebooks.

lib contains common functions across notebooks.

config contains parameters for the datasets.

history contains deprecated files that are kept for archival purposes.


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