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Sephora Style Guide

The Sephora Style Guide is a front-end framework similar to Twitter Bootstrap (and modelled closely to it) which provides the Sephora Digital SEA team with a set of reusable and composable components to work with.


Ruby on Rails

Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'sephora_style_guide', git: '', branch: 'master'

Run the following command to install it:

$ bundle

You can now include the style guide base file in your application.scss:

@import 'sephora_style_guide/base';

For JS modules, you will need to manually include them in your application.js:

// = require sephora_style_guide/modal

If you need the documentation page, you can add it by mounting the engine in your config/routes.rb:

mount SephoraStyleGuide::Engine => '/style-guide'


If you are using Yarn:

$ yarn add sephora-style-guide

Or when using npm:

$ npm install sephora-style-guide --save

You can now include the style guide elements (variables, mixins...) in your SCSS files:

@import '~sephora-style-guide/app/assets/stylesheets/sephora_style_guide/variables';
@import '~sephora-style-guide/app/assets/stylesheets/sephora_style_guide/mixins';

In the Ecomm main app, these variables and mixins are automatically included via the style-resources-loader.


View the live examples here


Local environment

  • Clone the repo inside the same folder as the main app.
  • In your main app Gemfile:
gem 'sephora_style_guide', path: '../sephora-style-guide'
  • In your main app package.json:
"sephora-style-guide": "file:../sephora-style-guide"
  • Run bundle install and yarn install. You should see changes in your Gemfile.lock as well as yarn.lock.
  • Restart your server. Any changes you make in the style guide should now reflect immediately in the main app.

Issuing a Pull Request

  • Work on you own branch from the beginning. Branch name should be something like this: stories/add_new_font_sephora_sans_shop_426
  • Once you are done, issue the PR.
  • Test the changes in the main app. This can be done by specifying the branch as the target in Gemfile and package.json:
gem 'sephora_style_guide', github: 'sephora-sea/sephora-style-guide', branch: 'stories/add_new_font_sephora_sans_shop_426'
"sephora-style-guide": "luxola/sephora-style-guide#stories/add_new_font_sephora_sans_shop_426",
  • After it has been reviewed and tested, bump package version (see below).
    • Then merge to master and re-point main app to gem’s master (see below).

Bump Package version

  • Bump the package version in the package.json file.
  • Use semantic versioning for convention.
  • To avoid any npm cache issue.

Updating the main app

  • Undo any changes made to Gemfile and package.json.
  • Run bundle update --source sephora_style_guide. You will see a message like this: "Bundler attempted to update sephora_style_guide but its version stayed the same". However, this will usually refer to the version of the style guide gem, for example 0.0.5, which doesn't update that often. If you check your Gemfile.lock, you should see changes to the revision part with the commit hash of the latest changes in style guide.
  • Run yarn upgrade sephora-style-guide, update the package version in the yarn.lock file to synchronize the package version.
  • Commit the changes and you are done!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.