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This project aims to verify your google cloud computing credentials.


This tool is packaged as an executable jar. So installation is just a simple jar download.

curl -LO

###Prepeare your account

Follow the instructions: Create a Service account and Generate a new P12 key. Once you have downloaded the key use openssl to convert it to PEM.

openssl pkcs12 -in path/to/key.p12 -nodes -nocerts > path/to/key.pem

Make sure that at API level (APIs and auth menu) you have enabled:

  • Google Compute Engine
  • Google Compute Engine Instance Group Manager API
  • Google Compute Engine Instance Groups API
  • BigQuery API
  • Google Cloud Deployment Manager API
  • Google Cloud DNS API
  • Google Cloud SQL
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Cloud Storage JSON API

After that you are ready to use the Tester JAR.

java -jar gcc-credential-tester.jar <keyPEMFile> <serviceAccountEmailAddress> <projectId>

The expected result should be something like this:

Your credential is ok...