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Slack App Settings

  • App Home
    • Enable Home Tab
  • Interactivity & Shortcuts
    • Message shortcut (callback_id: send-this-message-later)
  • Events API
    • Bot events
      • app_home_opened
      • app_uninstalled
    • Events on behalf of users
      • token_revoked
  • OAuth & Permissions
    • Bot Token Scopes
      • commands
      • users:read
    • User Token Scopes
      • chat:write
      • users:read
    • Redirect URLs
      • https://{your domain}/slack/oauth_redirect
  • Beta Features
    • Opt into timepicker

Local dev

cp _env .env  # and then, edit it
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose exec web python ./
ngrok http 3000 # for OAuth flow

Heroku Deployment

heroku create

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
aws s3 cp initial.dump s3://{your bucket}/initial.dump
aws s3 presign s3://{your bucket}/initial.dump
heroku pg:backups:restore ${presign url} DATABASE_URL

heroku config:set SLACK_CLIENT_ID=
heroku config:set SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET=
heroku config:set SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=
heroku config:set SLACK_SCOPES=commands,users:read
heroku config:set SLACK_USER_SCOPES=chat:write,users:read

git add . -v
git commit -m'initial'
git push heroku main