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A Unity compatible C# source generator to create getter and setter properties for class and structs


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A Unity compatible C# source generator to create getter and setter properties for fields to make specifically readonly scriptable objects.

If you want readonly scriptable objects, you must either write getter properties for serialized fields or add [field: SerializedField] to property but second options serialized as <foo>k__BackingField and also has other downsides. If you choose writing getter properties, you must write many boilerplate codes. This source generator writes these boilerplate code for you.

For more info about [field: SerializedField] Unity Forum


Minimum supported Unity version is Unity 2021.2 because of netstandard2.1 support of the project.

  1. Download Serenity.PropertyGenerator.dll file from Release Page
  2. Move the dll file into the Assets folder, or any folder nested inside of the Assets folder, in your Unity project.
  3. Click on the .dll file inside the Asset Browser inside Unity to open the Plugin Inspector window.
  4. Under the Select platforms for plugin heading, disable Any Platform.
  5. Under the Include Platforms heading, disable Editor and Standalone.
  6. Under the Asset Labels heading in the Plugin Inspector window, click on the blue label icon to open the Asset Labels sub-menu.
  7. Create and assign a new label called RoslynAnalyzer


For more information on Unity and Source Generator, please refer to the Unity Documentation.

Quick Start

To use the generator, add the [Getter] or [Setter] or [Getter, Setter] attribute to a field in partial class, struct or record. The attributes are also auto generated. It will generate a partial type under same namespace.

using System;
using Serenity.Property;

namespace FooNamespace
    public partial class Foo : ScriptableObject
        [SerializedField, Getter]
        private int _intGetterTest;

        [SerializedField, Setter]
        private int[] _intArraySetterTest;

        [Getter, Setter]
        private int _intGetterSetterTest;

Source generator generates a class called Foo.g.cs which contains getter and setter properties.

Generated Properties

namespace FooNamespace
    public partial class Foo : ScriptableObject
        public int IntGetterTest
            get => _intGetterTest;

        public int[] IntArraySetterTest
            set => _intArraySetterTest = value;

        public int IntGetterSetterTest
            get => _intGetterSetterTest;
            set => _intGetterSetterTest = value;


Serenity.PropertyGenerator is Copyright © 2023 Serenity Studios under the MIT License.