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Fast-Api Starter Template


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

What does this project include

  • A fully async project with async SQLAlchemy 2.0 and Alembic for db migrations
  • pytest, pre-made configuration and fixtures, with e2e tests
  • A Dockerfile ready for deploying to production environments
  • No frontend, just a pure backend written in DDD pattern
  • JWT Authentication using pyjwt
  • Event Driven Design, with events being base pydantic models
  • Pre-commit hooks, with ruff and mypy

This project is intended for a base for your fastapi projects. With this project you can start worrying about what to actually implement, rather than the infrastructure, authentication, configurations etc. you need to build in order to create your API.

How to run the app

Either you use docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

Or run locally

When you're running the project locally, make sure you rename .env.sample to .env

python -m uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8000 --reload

How to make migrations

make migrations:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "create account table"

update db:

alembic upgrade head

How to run tests

Simply use pytest command to run all the tests.

Access to Swagger

You can access to documentation after running the server at localhost:8000/docs

Commit Rules

Be sure to install pre-commit hooks before you start working on the project. You can do this by running pre-commit install in the root directory of the project. This will ensure that your code is formatted correctly and that you don't commit unformatted code. To install required packages, run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt in the root directory of the project. Use pre-commit before pushing, pre-commit run --all this will fix errors as well as notifying you about the inconsistencies


Since this project is meant to be a starter template, we shouldn't add more to it, rather, if there are some stuff you think that needs cutting out, I am willing to cut them out of this project.

All the PR's should follow this project's pre-commit rules.