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sergeych edited this page Dec 27, 2014 · 3 revisions

From javascript to ruby:

  • integers are converted to Fixnum
  • other numbers are converted to Float
  • Strings are converted to ruby strings
  • undefined turns into [H8::Undefined] (
  • null turns to nil
  • functions are converted to H8::Value the which provides #call and #to_proc
  • Other objects are also converted to H8::Value which provides access to properties, methods or use object as callable.

The H8::Value object that is often passed/returned from javascript could be easily converted to ruby's primitive using its #to_ruby method.

From ruby to javascript

  • integers, strings and floats are converted to javascript primitives
  • ruby objects are converted to objects
    • properties will try to call ruby's methods with no arguments
    • methods will call ruby methods with arguments
  • ruby callables are converted to javascript functions

Passing objects through

If you pass ruby object to the javascript code and then again to the ruby code, the source ruby object will be unwrapped.

The same source javascript object will be unwrapped if passed through ruby code to javasctipt code again.

This is especially convenient with exceptions.


Are converted between languages properly. Unhandled exceptions will be raised/thrown in the caller's environment.