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Foveal Explorer

See a short blog post for more info.

NOTE: this code was used in an abandoned research project, and is released only to demonstrate the Foveal Explorer JavaScript applet, and host the gathered AMT fixation data, without any support.

Viewing the task page locally.

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Loading data gathered on AMT

Before abandoning the project, I gathered 10K HITs (human intelligence tasks) on Amazon Mechanical Turk, equally distributed between three tasks (describe scene, count people, find all text), on the MIT Attention dataset.

In [1]: import pandas

In [2]: df = pandas.read_pickle('dataframe_2012-05.pickle')

In [3]: df.head()
        worker_id                                           img img_height  \
0  A2J2P9JE374XCM       istatic_hotel_room_indoor_IMG_0999.jpeg        818
1  A323WW03VM8089       istatic_hotel_room_indoor_IMG_0999.jpeg        818
2   AP5CXT3G9EIBH       istatic_hotel_room_indoor_IMG_0999.jpeg        818
3  A2WZJC3N97GJ9Z  i05june05_static_street_boston_p1010764.jpeg        614
4  A1E3WL1MAZS6KC  i05june05_static_street_boston_p1010800.jpeg        614

  img_width          task                                       user_content  \
0       614      describe                                           a toilet
1       614  count_people                                                  0
2       614  count_people                                                  0
3       819      describe  A large number of cars are parked on the left ...
4       819          text                                               none

  comment                                            history
0          [{u'y': 408, u'x': 305, u'frameCount': 94, u't...
1          [{u'y': 415, u'x': 306, u'frameCount': 42, u't...
2          [{u'y': 411, u'x': 314, u'frameCount': 59, u't...
3          [{u'y': 308, u'x': 409, u'frameCount': 59, u't...
4          [{u'y': 309, u'x': 409, u'frameCount': 33, u't...

[5 rows x 8 columns]


We use the Where humans look dataset.

Creating blurred images

find ^*blur*.jpeg -exec convert -gaussian-blur 0x1.414 {} {}_blur2.jpeg \;
find *blur2.jpeg -exec convert -gaussian-blur 0x1.414 {} {}_blur4.jpeg \;
find *blur4.jpeg -exec convert -gaussian-blur 0x1.414 {} {}_blur8.jpeg \;