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Fork of Knex library optimized for mobile platforms. Removed everything except SQLite support. For Native connection it uses JSI library react-native-quick-sqlite under the hood so there is no any performance issues due to React Native Bridge ans serialization/deserialization


Add to package.json

"react-native-jsi-knex": "sergeymild/react-native-jsi-knex",
"react-native-knex": "sergeymild/react-native-knex",
"react-native-quick-sqlite": "^4.0.5",


import { Knex, initialize as initializeKnex } from 'react-native-jsi-knex';

export const initializeDatabase = async (): Promise<Knex> => {
  return await initializeKnex({
    name: 'mydb.sqlite',
    debug: true,
    // set version 1 as initial version (set 2 to run migrations for version: 2)
    // migration will be called from version which stored in db to passed
    // for example if version in db is 3 and set new version 10
    // all migrations from 4 to 10 will be executed.
    version: 1,
    // migrations will be run on increment knex version
    migrations: [{version: 2, migration: createMigrationV1}],

const createTables = async (knex: Knex) => {
  await knex.schema.createTableIfNotExists('users', (table) => {

const createMigrationV1 = async (knex: Knex) => {
  await knex.schema.createTableIfNotExists('searches', (table) => {

Lazy initialization

type Callback = () => Promise<Knex>
function memoize(callback: Callback) {
  let result: Knex
  return async () => {
    if (result === undefined) result = await callback()
    return result

let didRun = false
export let knexDatabase!: Knex
export const database = memoize(async () => {
  if (didRun || knexDatabase) return knexDatabase!
  knexDatabase = await initializeDatabase()
  return knexDatabase

Knex Query Builder

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  age: number;

await knex.table<User>('users') // User is the type of row in database
  .where('id', 1) // Your IDE will be able to help with the completion of id
  .first(); // Resolves to User | undefined

// Type of users is inferred as Pick<User, "id" | "age">[]
const users = await knex.table<User>('users')

Most of api works identically as original Knex library for node.js.

Full documentation may be found at


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Made with create-react-native-library