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Animated toast message component for React Native.

toast gif


  • 🚀 Strongly typed
  • 🎨 Customizable layouts
  • 🔧 Flexible config


# add to package.json
"react-native-toaster": "sergeymild/react-native-toaster#0.2.2"


Render the ToastRoot component in your app's entry file, as the LAST CHILD in the View hierarchy (along with any other components that might be rendered there):

// App.jsx
import { ToastRoot } from 'react-native-toaster';

export function App(props) {
  return (
      {/* ... */}
      <ToastRoot />

Somewhere in app setup toast messages:

// App.jsx
import { configureToasts } from 'react-native-toaster';

export const toastPresenter = configureToasts({
  // to have a nice autocompletion props must be the only one param in function 
  message: (props: { username: string; surname: string }) => {
    return (
      <View style={{ paddingTop: 54, backgroundColor: 'blue' }}>
  // to have a nice autocompletion props must be the only one param in function
  warning: (props: { message: string }) => {
    return (
          marginTop: StatusBar.currentHeight ?? 56,
          backgroundColor: 'orange',
        <Text children={props.message}/>

Then use it anywhere in your app (even outside React components), by calling toastPresenter (which was returned from configureToasts method) directly:

// Foo.jsx
import { Button } from 'react-native'

export function Foo(props) {
  const showToast = () => {
      // here will be strongly typed key either 'message' or 'warning'
      key: 'warning',
      // depends of passed key here will be strongly typed params
      props: { message: 'warning' },
      // visible - means animation duration for show message
      // present - means animation duration for how long message will be displayed on screen
      // dismiss - means animation duration for how fast it will dissapear
      duration: { visible: 1000, present: 250, dismiss: 250 },

  return (
      title='Show toast'


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Made with create-react-native-library