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Sérgio Faria edited this page Dec 21, 2011 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the MathJax-phpBB-Integration wiki!

Tips and Tricks

Speed up page loading

This mod uses its own pre-processor thats faster than the ones bundled in MathJax since it doesn't scan the whole page for delimiters like $$.

In fact those pre-processors are disabled by default, but not removed because the combined and minified js file is much more efficient than fetching several minified js files.

So if you want to cut ~10KB worth of javascript:

  1. If your're using the CDN, you'll need to serve the config file yourself. If you're using the TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML config, go ahead and use this link to grab a copy.

  2. Change the path inside the MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete call if needed (to the full url if you're using the CDN).

  3. Find and delete:

  4. Find and delete the whole line:

  5. Find and delete the whole line:

  6. Go to MathJax General Settings on your Control panel and modify the name of the Configuration File, if needed. If you're using the CDN you'll need to put the full url instead.

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