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AzureStorageWrapper it's a wrapper for Azure Storage blob service, aimed at simplifying the file upload process and obtaining links for downloading them.

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Dependency injection

To add AzureStorageWrapper to dependencies container, just use the method AddAzureStorageWrapper(...)

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
    serviceCollection.AddAzureStorageWrapper(configuration =>
        configuration.ConnectionString = "azure-storage-connection-string"
        configuration.MaxSasUriExpiration = 600;
        configuration.DefaultSasUriExpiration = 300;
        configuration.CreateContainerIfNotExists = true;

These are the main properties:

  • ConnectionString: The connection string of your Azure Storage Account. You can export by following this document
  • MaxSasUriExpiration: You can set a maximum duration value for the Shared Access Signature (SAS) of an Azure Storage file to prevent someone from attempting to generate a token with a longer expiration time. Expressed in seconds.
  • DefaultSasUriExpiration: You can download a file using AzureStorageWrapper without specifying the ExpiresIn property. By doing so, this value will be automatically set. Expressed in seconds
  • CreateContainerIfNotExists: When uploading a file to Azure Storage, you need to specify the container, which may not exist and can be created automatically. You can set it to true or false based on your requirements. Please consider this property if you have automated your infrastructure with any Infrastructure as Code (IaC) mechanism because it affects the state of your infrastructure.

Then you can inject IAzureStorageWrapper into your services through constructor:

public class MyService
    private IAzureStorageWrapper _storageWrapper;

    public MyService(IAzureStorageWrapper storageWrapper)
        _storageWrapper = storageWrapper;

Upload blobs

There are 3 options to upload blobs, all the ways follow the same pattern:

  • You need to specify the file name and extension.
  • You need to specify the container where you want to store the file.
  • You can add additional metadata with relevant information.

The file will be placed in Base64, Bytes or Stream property.


var base64 = "SGVsbG8g8J+Zgg==";

var command = new UploadBase64()
    Base64 = base64,
    Container = "files",
    Name = "hello",
    Extension = "md",
    Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"key", "value"} }

var response = await _azureStorageWrapper.UploadBlobAsync(command);

Byte []

var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String("SGVsbG8g8J+Zgg==");

var command = new UploadBytes()
    Bytes = bytes,
    Container = "files",
    Name = "hello",
    Extension = "md",
    Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"key", "value"} }

var response = await _azureStorageWrapper.UploadBlobAsync(command);


var stream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String("SGVsbG8g8J+Zgg=="));

var command = new UploadStream()
    Stream = stream,
    Container = "files",
    Name = "hello",
    Extension = "md",
    Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"key", "value"} }

var response = await _azureStorageWrapper.UploadBlobAsync(command);

Response after upload blobs

Regardless of the chosen upload mechanism, you will always receive this response after upload a file.

public class BlobReference
    public string Container { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Extension { get; set; }
    public string Uri { get; set; }
    public string SasUri { get; set; }
    public DateTime SasExpires { get; set; }
    public IDictionary<string, string> Metadata { get; set; }

In example, if you upload the file file to container files you will receive a response like:

    "Container": "files",
    "Name": "hello",
    "Extension": "md",
    "Uri": "",
    "SasUri": "\u0026se=2023-09-03T16%3A17%3A02Z\u0026sr=b\u0026sp=r\u0026sig=8hs8AzxABevSTc5y%2BhOWDDN%2FH5qFSpA8Omj4uqoxzms%3D",
    "SasExpires": "2023-09-03T16:17:02.8220993Z",
    "Metadata": {
        "key": "value",
        "_timestamp": "03/09/2023 16:11:02"

It is your responsibility to save the reference (URI property) of the file you have uploaded to Azure Storage somewhere, as you will need it for later downloads.

Virtual Folders

The upload commands have a property called UseVirtualFolder which by default has a value of true but you can set it to false if you wish.

Be careful. If you make that change, the files will NOT be saved in virtual directories, and file names may collide, causing files to be overwritten.

In this case, you must be responsible for establishing your own mechanism to generate unique file names.

var base64 = "SGVsbG8g8J+Zgg==";

var command = new UploadBase64()
    Base64 = base64,
    Container = "files",
    Name = "hello",
    Extension = "md",
    UseVirtualFolder = false // be careful!

var response = await _azureStorageWrapper.UploadBlobAsync(command);

Download blobs

To download a blob reference, you need specify the Uri.

var command = new DownloadBlobReference()
    Uri = ""
    ExpiresIn = 60,

var response = await _azureStorageWrapper.DownloadBlobReferenceAsync(command);

The response when downloading file reference resembles the response when uploading files:

    "Container": "files",
    "Name": "hello",
    "Extension": "md",
    "Uri": "",
    "SasUri": "\u0026se=2023-09-03T16%3A17%3A02Z\u0026sr=b\u0026sp=r\u0026sig=8hs8AzxABevSTc5y%2BhOWDDN%2FH5qFSpA8Omj4uqoxzms%3D",
    "SasExpires": "2023-09-03T16:17:02.8220993Z",
    "Metadata": {
        "_timestamp": "03/09/2023 16:11:02"

Contributors / Collaborators

These individuals have contributed to the repository through suggestions, error corrections, or by opening issues. Thanks 😊


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You can contact me via Twitter @sergiobarriel, or if you have an issue, you can open one πŸ™‚


Wrapper for Azure Storage, aimed at simplifying the file upload process and obtaining links for downloading them.








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