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Weather App

Table of Contents


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Live Version

About The Project

The Weather Web Application allows users to automatically detect the users' current location and display its weather conditions. As well the user can set different cities and check the forecast weather for the specific selection. As such the app makes usage of API with Async to constantly render and display the most accurate information of the weather.Each person can check and set the city they wish and the weather will appear or rely on its Geolocation set up by allowing the location settings.

Screenshot Test


Contributions make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.


Terminal or similar to execute the program.

Getting Started

Clone project

  • To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
  • Clone this repository with git clone using your terminal or command line.
  • Change to the project directory by entering: cd scs-weather-app in the terminal.
  • Enter the project folder and set the repo with its correspondent using npm install.
  • After this run the command npx run start
  • If the project cant be build, please run npx webpack.

Command line steps

- $ git clone `$ git clone
- $ git checkout develop
- $ cd scs-weather-app
- $npm i
- $ npm start
- ##(If project doesn't build, please run): $ npx webpack


👤 Sergio Cortes Satizabal


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.