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514 lines (429 loc) · 13.9 KB


File metadata and controls

514 lines (429 loc) · 13.9 KB
title lang description toc published
Learn how to use Contentz to create optimized websites.


You can install Contentz using npm

npm install contentz

Or using Yarn

yarn add contentz

Both ways work also globally adding -g for npm or global for Yarn

You could also use it from npx

npx contentz

Adding the command at the end (social or build).


To start a project you need to create config.yml at the root of your project with, at least, the following configuration

title: My Website
description: This is my personal website

Additionally you could define language key to set the default language of the website, by default is en. This is used for the Internationalization feature

The final file structure of your project should look like this

    "name": "my-website",
    "type": "folder",
    "children": [
        "name": "config.yml",
        "type": "file"
        "name": "package.json",
        "type": "file"

Additional configuration keys could be added and will be explained below in their corresponding sections.

Using Articles

To start using articles create first a folder /articles in your project root and inside put your article in an .mdx file.

    "name": "my-website",
    "type": "folder",
    "children": [
        "name": "articles",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "hello-world.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "config.yml",
        "type": "file"
        "name": "package.json",
        "type": "file"

Inside your hello-world.mdx use Frontmatter to define metadata

title: Hello, World!
description: My first article
date: 2019-03-07T15:55:12.167Z
lang: en
tags: Article, Contentz, Blog
published: true
This is the content of **my first article**.

Now run contentz build to create your website with this articles. Contentz will automatically generate a /articles/ page with the list of articles with the key published: true, any article with published: false or without that key will not be listed, useful to deploy drafts or private articles. This special page will be added automatically to the header of the website with the name Articles.

Using Custom Pages

Custom pages, like this one, works in a similar way to articles, create a /pages folder in your root project and a MDX file with the content of the page.

    "name": "my-website",
    "type": "folder",
    "children": [
        "name": "articles",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "hello-world.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "pages",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "about.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "config.yml",
        "type": "file"
        "name": "package.json",
        "type": "file"

Inside the content of the page use Frontmatter to set the metadata

title: About me
lang: en
description: Learn more about me
This is the content of **my first page**.

After that run contentz build to create the website, you will be able to access your page on /about, note how Contentz remove the /pages from the URL, special names like index and articles are ignored by Contentz to avoid overlapping the default index and articles pages.

Custom pages are not automatically added to the header as the Articles page, to manually add them use the config.yml.

title: My Website
description: This is my personal website
  - name: About me
    path: /about/

This navigation key is a list of name and path, it let you not only add links to custom pages but also to external pages.

Generate Social Images

Once you have your content created you will want to generate social images to share it on Twitter, Facebook, Slack and other social networks. There are two way to add a social image, the first one is adding a social key to the Frontmatter of an article or page with a link to the image or let Contentz generate one.

To generate a social image run the following command

contentz social articles/hello-world.mdx pages/about.mdx home error articles

This will generate the social images of your articles and pages, and also for your homepage, your error page (documented below) and your list of articles.

An example social image is:

That is the social image of the homepage of this same website.

Contentz by default try to link to generated social images, there is nothing to do more than run contentz social to generate one and add them to your Git repository.

    "name": "my-website",
    "type": "folder",
    "children": [
        "name": "articles",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "hello-world.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "pages",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "about.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "static",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [
            "name": "_social",
            "type": "folder",
            "children": [
                "name": "articles",
                "type": "folder",
                "children": [{ "type": "file", "name": "hello-world.png" }]
                "name": "pages",
                "type": "folder",
                "children": [{ "type": "file", "name": "about.png" }]
              { "type": "file", "name": "home.png" },
              { "type": "file", "name": "error.png" }
        "name": "config.yml",
        "type": "file"
        "name": "package.json",
        "type": "file"

Incremental Build

Contentz has default support to Incremental Build, what does this mean? If you run contentz build two times in a row the second one will be way faster because it does absolutely nothing, when you change or create a file (a page or article) then it will only build that file and the affected files.

  • If you create or update an article it will build that article and the list of articles.
  • If you change your configuration it will rebuild everything.
  • If you update Contentz it will rebuild everything.
  • If you create or update a page it will only build that page.

If for some reason you want to disable this feature you will need to set incremental: false in your config.yml.

Social Networks and Email Address

In case you want to link your social networks from the homepage it's possible to add them to your config.yml under the key social.

  twitter: username
  github: username
  npm: username
  linkedin: username
  dev: username
  meetup: ID

That is the list of supported social networks, if you need the username (or ID for Meetup) it will automatically add the respective icon in the homepage.

It's also possible to add an email icon using the key email in the config.yml.


This will link have a mailto: email with the corresponding icon in the homepage too.

The configuration should look like this:

title: My Website
description: This is my personal website
  twitter: username
  github: username
  npm: username
  linkedin: username
  dev: username
  meetup: ID
  - name: About me
    path: /about/

Edit on GitHub

If your website is open source you could set your repository URL, Contentz will then build the website and it automatically add the text Edit on GitHub in the footer with the GitHub icon.

This is configured with the key repository in the config.yml.

title: My Website
description: This is my personal website
  twitter: username
  github: username
  npm: username
  linkedin: username
  dev: username
  meetup: ID
  - name: About me
    path: /about/

Support on Patreon

If you have a Patreon to let people support you with your content, Contentz let you set your Patreon username and it will render a message to incentive people support your writing on Patreon.

This is configured with the key patreon in the config.yml.

title: My Website
description: This is my personal website
patreon: username
  twitter: username
  github: username
  npm: username
  linkedin: username
  dev: username
  meetup: ID
  - name: About me
    path: /about/

This Patreon message will be added below your social networks and email in the homepage and in the footer of each page.

Styles in MDX

Contentz use Emotion internally to add styles to the website, it also provide access to the css prop and the css template tag inside the MDX, this let you add HTML elements in-between the Markdown and style them with Emotion.

<div css={{ color: "red" }}>This is red</div>
<div css={css`color: blue`}>This is blue</div>

These are the two ways to add styles, the first one using the css prop and an object literal, the second one using the css prop too but using the template tag css to write normal CSS code if you prefer that syntax.

Static files

Contentz copy the content of the folder /static to your /public directory to allow you link images and other kind of static files.

    "name": "my-website",
    "type": "folder",
    "children": [
        "name": "articles",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "hello-world.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "pages",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "about.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "static",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [
            "name": "_social",
            "type": "folder",
            "children": [
                "name": "articles",
                "type": "folder",
                "children": [{ "type": "file", "name": "hello-world.png" }]
                "name": "pages",
                "type": "folder",
                "children": [{ "type": "file", "name": "about.png" }]
              { "type": "file", "name": "home.png" },
              { "type": "file", "name": "error.png" }
          { "type": "file", "name": "avatar.jpg" }
        "name": "config.yml",
        "type": "file"
        "name": "package.json",
        "type": "file"

Feed RSS

If you write articles Contentz will automatically generate a feed RSS, place it in /atom.xml and link it from the header of each page. There is nothing required to make this work and is not possible to disable it.

Offline First

Contentz generate a Service Worker automatically with the minimum required code to cache every file of your website and use it if the user doesn't have internet connection, which means your website can work offline after the first time the user access it.

Link Sharing

If you want to have a list of shared links, for some reason, you could create a links.yml file at the root of your project, similar to this one.

- url:
  title: Presentando Contentz
  comment: Contentz, un Pure Static Site Generator para obtener un sitio web super optimizado
  date: 2019-03-05T21:03:17.909Z

When running contentz build Content will automatically pick it up and create a /links/ page with your list of links in a design similar to /articles. It will also link to it from the header of each page with the text Link.

    "name": "my-website",
    "type": "folder",
    "children": [
        "name": "articles",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "hello-world.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "pages",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [{ "name": "about.mdx", "type": "file" }]
        "name": "static",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": [
            "name": "_social",
            "type": "folder",
            "children": [
                "name": "articles",
                "type": "folder",
                "children": [{ "type": "file", "name": "hello-world.png" }]
                "name": "pages",
                "type": "folder",
                "children": [{ "type": "file", "name": "about.png" }]
              { "type": "file", "name": "home.png" },
              { "type": "file", "name": "error.png" }
          { "type": "file", "name": "avatar.jpg" }
        "name": "config.yml",
        "type": "file"
        "name": "links.yml",
        "type": "file"
        "name": "package.json",
        "type": "file"


Contentz support internationalization out of the box for the fixed messages generated by the tool. To change it set language or lang (language is preferred), if the language is not supported yet it will fallback to English.

If your language is not supported you could add it on the repository of Contentz.

Currently supported languages are:

  • en for English (default)
  • es for Spanish