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Nest JS Notify App with TypeORM

Project Installation

$ npm install

Running the app

# development(v1)
$ npm run start

# development(v1)
$ nest start

# watch mode(v1)
$ npm run start:dev

# watch mode(v2)
$ nest start --watch

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov

Stay in touch

Author: Sergiu Chilat


Telegram Bot Interaction

Step 1: Start subscription

When user click the button "Subscribe to Telegram" then Front end will send a Request to Core API:

RequestPOST telegram/subscribe/{user.uuid}



If there is a subscription started for the user then het this existing subscription otherwise create a new one and return it.

Telegram subscriptions table

Table name: telegram_subscriptions


  • id
  • uuid - generated UUID
    • type = UUID
    • required = true
  • started_at - subscription start datetime
    • type = datetime
    • required true
    • default = NOW
  • confirmed_at - subscription confirmation datetime
    • type = datetime
    • required true
    • default = NULL
  • user_uuid - authenticated User.uuid
    • type = UUID
    • required = true
    • unique = true
  • telegram_username - the Telegram username
    • string
    • min 5
    • max 32
    • default = NULL

Create a Cron Job to delete unfinished subscriptions older than 15 minutes => confirmed_at = NULL AND created_at ><NOW - 5 minutes

CoreAPI -> Telegram Microservice start subscription request

Core API will send a request to Telegram messenger

Request POST telegram/subscribe



x-api-key: SECRET_KEY

SECRET_KEY must be storend in ENV on Core API and Telegram microservice and will have the same value


  "subscriber_uuid": User.uuid or User.username,
  "language": User.language,
  "subscription_uuid": telegram_subscriptions.uuid,
  "callback_urls": {
    "subscribed_success": "telegram/subscribe/{User.uuid}/success",
    "subscribed_error": "telegram/subscribe/{User.uuid}/error",
    "unsubscribe_url": "telegram/unsubscribe/{User.uuid}"

After starting subscription one of the following responses can be returned. If any error will be returned Fronted will show this error. In case of success a new tab with TelegramBot page subscription will be opened.

Also, a button "Check subscription" appears.

RS.1.1 Successfully started

Code 201

Response body

  "id": 10,
  "receiver_uuid": "74326f56-16ca-49dd-9679-deb992d5534d",
  "chat_id": null,
  "language": "en",
  "callback_url_subscribed_success": "",
  "callback_url_subscribed_error": "",
  "callback_url_unsubscribe": "",
  "created_at": "2024-03-29T19:45:41.881Z",
  "confirmed_at": null,
  "bot_name": "BitsoftTestBot"

After receiving the response Frontend must open the URL{NameOfTheBot}?start={response.subscription_uuid}---{user.language} in a new tab.

If user starts conversation with the Telegram bot then Telegram application will be opened and Start command will be executed. Start command will start Step 2

RE.1.2 Invalid auth key

This response will be returned in case if Core API and Telegram microservice keys do not match.

Code 401

Response body

  "error_code": "INVALID_KEY"

RE.1.3 Already subscribed

This response will be returned in case if Telegram microservice return this error. Core API will work as a proxy that will pass the response from Telegram API to frontend.

Code 409

Response body

 { "error_code": "SUBSCRIBER_ALREADY_EXISTS" }

RE.1.4 Exception

This response will be returned in case if Telegram microservice return this error. Core API will work as a proxy that will pass the response from Telegram API to frontend.

Code 500

Response body

  "error_code": "UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION"

Step 2: Confirm subscription

There are 3 possible cases:

  • Successfully subscribed
  • Subscriber not found
  • Already subscribed

RS.2.1 Successfully subscribed

The Core API must implement an endpoint on the URL passed as callback_url_success param when Core API started subscription.

On successfully subscription conformation by the user, Telegram Microservice will send a POST request to this endpoint.

URL telegram/subscribe/success



x-api-key: SECRET_KEY

SECRET_KEY must be stored in ENV on Core API and Telegram microservice and will have the same value


  "subscriber_uuid": User.uuid,
  "telegram_username": "sergiuchilat",
  "bot_name": "NameOfTheBot",
  "chat_id": 123123

Core API must implement the following:

update the table telegram_subscriptions where Payload.subscriber_uuid = telegram_subscriptions.user_uuid AND telegram_subscriptions.subscription_uuid = payload.subscription_uuid

  • confirmed_at = NOW()
  • telegram_username = payload.telegram_username

On the frontend add also a button "Check subscription".

Frontend check subscription

When open subscription interface or click the button "Check subscription" a request will be sent to Core API

Request GET telegram/subscribe/{user.uuid}/status



In case if user is subscribed the response will be

Code 200

Response body

    "subscribed_at": telegram_subscriptions.confirmed_at,
    "telegram_username": telegram_subscriptions.telegram_username

To show on Frontend subscription date and Telegram username.

In case if user is NOT subscribed the response will be

Code 404

Response body


To show on Frontend that user is not subscribed.

If user is subscribed then "Subscribe to Telegram button" will be disabled.

RE.2.2 Unhandled exception

Error handling in CORE Api will be implemented later

Node.js Express App sample to test callback URLs from the Telegram bot

const express = require('express');

const app = express();
const port = 5555;

app.use(express.json());'/telegram/subscribe/success', (req, res) => {
    const response = {
        success: true,
});'/telegram/subscribe/error', (req, res) => {
    const response = {
        error: true,
});'/telegram/unsubscribe', (req, res) => {
    const response = {
        error: true,

app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);


This is open source project licensed under the MIT license.