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chore: release serilog-ui 2.6.0 #99

chore: release serilog-ui 2.6.0

chore: release serilog-ui 2.6.0 #99

GitHub Actions / DotNET - Tests failed Jan 28, 2024 in 1s

167 passed, 1 failed and 1 skipped

Tests failed

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
tests/Serilog.Ui.ElasticSearchProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 16✔️ 44s
tests/Serilog.Ui.MongoDbProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 17✔️ 1❌ 9s
tests/Serilog.Ui.MsSqlServerProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 31✔️ 35s
tests/Serilog.Ui.MySqlProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 16✔️ 43s
tests/Serilog.Ui.PostgreSqlProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 38✔️ 1✖️ 30s
tests/Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 49✔️ 8s

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.ElasticSearchProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

16 tests were completed in 44s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 241ms
ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 26ms
ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 358ms
ElasticSearch.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 2✔️ 26ms

✔️ ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It_logs_and_throws_when_db_read_breaks_down
✔️ It_throws_when_any_dependency_is_null

✔️ ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It_throws_when_skip_is_zero

✔️ ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search
✔️ It_finds_only_data_emitted_in_dates_range

✔️ ElasticSearch.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It_registers_provider_and_dependencies
✔️ It_throws_on_invalid_registration

❌ tests/Serilog.Ui.MongoDbProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

18 tests were completed in 9s with 17 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 993ms
MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 288ms
MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 7✔️ 1❌ 608ms
MongoDb.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 4✔️ 1s

✔️ MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It logs and throws when db read breaks down
✔️ It throws when any dependency is null

✔️ MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It throws when skip is zero

❌ MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
❌ It finds data with all filters
	Expected log.Properties to be "{"SourceContext":"Human Industrial, Toys \u0026 Clothing Consultant","EventId":{"Id":-537851733,"Name":"port"},"Protocol":"Dynamic engage Gorgeous Concrete Table","Host":"Drives mobile Philippine Peso"}" with a length of 202, but "{"SourceContext":"Human Industrial, Toys & Clothing Consultant","EventId":{"Id":-537851733,"Name":"port"},"Protocol":"Dynamic engage Gorgeous Concrete Table","Host":"Drives mobile Philippine Peso"}" has a length of 197, differs near "& C" (index 41).
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data emitted in dates range
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search

✔️ MongoDb.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It registers IMongoClient only when not registered
✔️ It registers provider and dependencies with connstring and collection
✔️ It registers provider and dependencies with connstring collection and dbname
✔️ It throws on invalid registration

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.MsSqlServerProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

31 tests were completed in 35s with 31 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MsSql.Tests.DapperHandlers.DapperDateTimeHandlerTest 14✔️ 400ms
MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 363ms
MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 112ms
MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 150ms
MsSql.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 3✔️ 473ms

✔️ MsSql.Tests.DapperHandlers.DapperDateTimeHandlerTest

✔️ It fail parse with current culture when original format culture was different
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt zzz")
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt")
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt zzz")
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt")
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "M/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "M/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "MM/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")
✔️ It parse exact formats with none style and invariant culture(customFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
✔️ It parse simple datetime with local style and current culture
✔️ It parse strange format using custom delegate
✔️ It sets value without changes
✔️ It throws when using custom delegate not returns datetime with utc kind

✔️ MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It logs and throws when db read breaks down
✔️ It throws when any dependency is null

✔️ MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It throws when skip is zero

✔️ MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data emitted in dates range
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search

✔️ MsSql.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It registers provider and dependencies(schemaName: "schema")
✔️ It registers provider and dependencies(schemaName: null)
✔️ It throws on invalid registration

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.MySqlProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

16 tests were completed in 43s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 195ms
MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 118ms
MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 111ms
MySql.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 2✔️ 197ms

✔️ MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It logs and throws when db read breaks down
✔️ It throws when any dependency is null

✔️ MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It throws when skip is zero

✔️ MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data emitted in dates range
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search

✔️ MySql.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It registers provider and dependencies
✔️ It throws on invalid registration

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.PostgreSqlProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

39 tests were completed in 30s with 38 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 1✔️ 1✖️ 339ms
Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 148ms
Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 151ms
Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.QueryBuilderTests 8✔️ 31ms
Postgres.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 3✔️ 409ms
Postgres.Tests.Model.LogLevelConverterTest 14✔️ 87ms

✔️ Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It logs and throws when db read breaks down
✖️ It throws when any dependency is null

✔️ Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It throws when skip is zero

✔️ Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data emitted in dates range
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search

✔️ Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.QueryBuilderTests

✔️ BuildFetchLogsQuery ForAlternativeSink ReturnsCorrectQuery(schema: "dbo", tableName: "logs", level: "Information", searchCriteria: "Test", startDate: 2024-01-28T14:13:56.2589147+00:00, endDate: 2024-01-28T14:13:56.2589148+00:00, expectedQuery: "SELECT \"Message\", \"MessageTemplate\", \"Level\""···)
✔️ BuildFetchLogsQuery ForAlternativeSink ReturnsCorrectQuery(schema: "dbo", tableName: "logs", level: "Information", searchCriteria: "Test", startDate: null, endDate: null, expectedQuery: "SELECT \"Message\", \"MessageTemplate\", \"Level\""···)
✔️ BuildFetchLogsQuery ForAlternativeSink ReturnsCorrectQuery(schema: "dbo", tableName: "logs", level: "Information", searchCriteria: null, startDate: null, endDate: null, expectedQuery: "SELECT \"Message\", \"MessageTemplate\", \"Level\""···)
✔️ BuildFetchLogsQuery ForAlternativeSink ReturnsCorrectQuery(schema: "dbo", tableName: "logs", level: null, searchCriteria: "Test", startDate: null, endDate: null, expectedQuery: "SELECT \"Message\", \"MessageTemplate\", \"Level\""···)
✔️ BuildFetchLogsQuery ForAlternativeSink ReturnsCorrectQuery(schema: "dbo", tableName: "logs", level: null, searchCriteria: null, startDate: 2024-01-28T14:13:56.2589042+00:00, endDate: null, expectedQuery: "SELECT \"Message\", \"MessageTemplate\", \"Level\""···)
✔️ BuildFetchLogsQuery ForAlternativeSink ReturnsCorrectQuery(schema: "dbo", tableName: "logs", level: null, searchCriteria: null, startDate: 2024-01-28T14:13:56.2589103+00:00, endDate: 2024-01-28T14:13:56.2589135+00:00, expectedQuery: "SELECT \"Message\", \"MessageTemplate\", \"Level\""···)
✔️ BuildFetchLogsQuery ForAlternativeSink ReturnsCorrectQuery(schema: "dbo", tableName: "logs", level: null, searchCriteria: null, startDate: null, endDate: 2024-01-28T14:13:56.2589101+00:00, expectedQuery: "SELECT \"Message\", \"MessageTemplate\", \"Level\""···)
✔️ BuildFetchLogsQuery ForAlternativeSink ReturnsCorrectQuery(schema: "dbo", tableName: "logs", level: null, searchCriteria: null, startDate: null, endDate: null, expectedQuery: "SELECT \"Message\", \"MessageTemplate\", \"Level\""···)

✔️ Postgres.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It registers provider and dependencies(schemaName: "schema")
✔️ It registers provider and dependencies(schemaName: null)
✔️ It throws on invalid registration

✔️ Postgres.Tests.Model.LogLevelConverterTest

✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "0", expected: "Verbose")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "1", expected: "Debug")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "2", expected: "Information")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "3", expected: "Warning")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "4", expected: "Error")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "5", expected: "Fatal")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "random", expected: "")
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Debug", expected: 1)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Error", expected: 4)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Fatal", expected: 5)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Information", expected: 2)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "random", expected: 100)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Verbose", expected: 0)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Warning", expected: 3)

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

49 tests were completed in 8s with 49 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationAsyncTest 1✔️ 2s
Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationDefaultTest 1✔️ 2s
Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationSyncTest 1✔️ 104ms
Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.BasicAuthenticationFilterTests 3✔️ 473ms
Ui.Web.Tests.Endpoints.SerilogUiAppRoutesTest 4✔️ 729ms
Ui.Web.Tests.Endpoints.SerilogUiDecoratorsTest 4✔️ 70ms
Ui.Web.Tests.Endpoints.SerilogUiEndpointsTest 4✔️ 281ms
Ui.Web.Tests.Extensions.ApplicationBuilderExtensionsTest 3✔️ 549ms
Ui.Web.Tests.Extensions.ContentInjectionTest 7✔️ 69ms
Ui.Web.Tests.Extensions.HttpRequestExtensionsTest 5✔️ 221ms
Ui.Web.Tests.SerilogUiMiddlewareTest 16✔️ 2s

✔️ Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationAsyncTest

✔️ Local Requests Are Not Allowed By Async Filters

✔️ Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationDefaultTest

✔️ Local Requests Are Allowed By Default

✔️ Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationSyncTest

✔️ Local Requests Are Not Allowed By Sync Filters

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.BasicAuthenticationFilterTests

✔️ Authorize WithInvalidCredentials ShouldReturnFalse
✔️ Authorize WithMissingAuthorizationHeader ShouldSetChallengeResponse
✔️ Authorize WithValidCredentials ShouldReturnTrue

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.Endpoints.SerilogUiAppRoutesTest

✔️ It gets app home
✔️ It redirects app home
✔️ It returns page error when stream cannot load app home
✔️ It throws on app home if ui options were not set

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.Endpoints.SerilogUiDecoratorsTest

✔️ It blocks the call on failed authentication
✔️ It blocks the GetHome on failed authentication with custom delegate
✔️ It forwards the call to app endpoints on success authentication
✔️ It forwards the call to app routes when unauth page access is enabled

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.Endpoints.SerilogUiEndpointsTest

✔️ It gets logs
✔️ It gets logs keys
✔️ It gets logs with search parameters
✔️ It serializes an error on exception

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.Extensions.ApplicationBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It not throws on null parameters
✔️ It register ui middleware
✔️ It throws on null deps

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.Extensions.ContentInjectionTest

✔️ It appends multiple script tags
✔️ It appends multiple stylesheet tags
✔️ It appends script tag with customs
✔️ It appends script tag with defaults
✔️ It appends stylesheet tag with customs
✔️ It appends stylesheet tag with defaults
✔️ It mix scripts and stylesheets

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.Extensions.HttpRequestExtensionsTest

✔️ It is local when no xforwarded and remote ip address is null
✔️ It is local when remote ip address equals local ip address
✔️ It is local when remote ip address is loopback
✔️ It is not local when remote ip address is not local nor loopback
✔️ It is not local when xforwarded

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.SerilogUiMiddlewareTest

✔️ It hits ui endpoint when request matches method and custom options prefix(pathReq: "/test/", statusCode: 400)
✔️ It hits ui endpoint when request matches method and custom options prefix(pathReq: "/test/api/keys/", statusCode: 417)
✔️ It hits ui endpoint when request matches method and custom options prefix(pathReq: "/test/api/logs/", statusCode: 409)
✔️ It hits ui endpoint when request matches method and custom options prefix(pathReq: "/test/index.html", statusCode: 418)
✔️ It hits ui endpoint when request matches method and options prefix(pathReq: "/serilog-ui/", statusCode: 400)
✔️ It hits ui endpoint when request matches method and options prefix(pathReq: "/serilog-ui/api/keys/", statusCode: 417)
✔️ It hits ui endpoint when request matches method and options prefix(pathReq: "/serilog-ui/api/logs/", statusCode: 409)
✔️ It hits ui endpoint when request matches method and options prefix(pathReq: "/serilog-ui/index.html", statusCode: 418)
✔️ It proceeds onwards when request does not match options prefix(pathReq: "/fake-prefix/", statusCode: 400)
✔️ It proceeds onwards when request does not match options prefix(pathReq: "/fake-prefix/index.html", statusCode: 418)
✔️ It proceeds onwards when request does not match options prefix(pathReq: "fake-prefix/api/keys/", statusCode: 417)
✔️ It proceeds onwards when request does not match options prefix(pathReq: "fake-prefix/api/logs/", statusCode: 409)
✔️ It proceeds onwards when request is not a get(pathReq: "/serilog-ui/", statusCode: 400)
✔️ It proceeds onwards when request is not a get(pathReq: "/serilog-ui/api/keys/", statusCode: 417)
✔️ It proceeds onwards when request is not a get(pathReq: "/serilog-ui/api/logs/", statusCode: 409)
✔️ It proceeds onwards when request is not a get(pathReq: "/serilog-ui/index.html", statusCode: 418)


Check failure on line 50 in tests/Serilog.Ui.Common.Tests/TestSuites/Impl/IntegrationSearchTests.cs

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / DotNET - Tests

MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest ► It finds data with all filters

Failed test found in:
  Expected log.Properties to be "{"SourceContext":"Human Industrial, Toys \u0026 Clothing Consultant","EventId":{"Id":-537851733,"Name":"port"},"Protocol":"Dynamic engage Gorgeous Concrete Table","Host":"Drives mobile Philippine Peso"}" with a length of 202, but "{"SourceContext":"Human Industrial, Toys & Clothing Consultant","EventId":{"Id":-537851733,"Name":"port"},"Protocol":"Dynamic engage Gorgeous Concrete Table","Host":"Drives mobile Philippine Peso"}" has a length of 197, differs near "& C" (index 41).
Raw output
Expected log.Properties to be "{"SourceContext":"Human Industrial, Toys \u0026 Clothing Consultant","EventId":{"Id":-537851733,"Name":"port"},"Protocol":"Dynamic engage Gorgeous Concrete Table","Host":"Drives mobile Philippine Peso"}" with a length of 202, but "{"SourceContext":"Human Industrial, Toys & Clothing Consultant","EventId":{"Id":-537851733,"Name":"port"},"Protocol":"Dynamic engage Gorgeous Concrete Table","Host":"Drives mobile Philippine Peso"}" has a length of 197, differs near "& C" (index 41).
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.XUnit2TestFramework.Throw(String message)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.TestFrameworkProvider.Throw(String message)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.DefaultAssertionStrategy.HandleFailure(String message)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionScope.FailWith(Func`1 failReasonFunc)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionScope.FailWith(Func`1 failReasonFunc)
   at FluentAssertions.Primitives.StringEqualityValidator.ValidateAgainstLengthDifferences()
   at FluentAssertions.Primitives.StringValidator.Validate()
   at FluentAssertions.Primitives.StringAssertions`1.Be(String expected, String because, Object[] becauseArgs)
   at MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.IntegrationSearchTests`1.It_finds_data_with_all_filters_by_utc(Boolean checkWithUtc, Boolean excludeProps) in /home/runner/work/serilog-ui/serilog-ui/tests/Serilog.Ui.Common.Tests/TestSuites/Impl/IntegrationSearchTests.cs:line 50
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---