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ELepHant is a consequence-based reasoner for the EL+ fragment of Description

Currently it supports input ontologies from command line in the 
OWL Functional Style Syntax. Support for OWL API is planned.

The supported reasoning tasks are the following:
	- classification,
	- consistency, and
	- realization.

ELepHant supports a subset of the OWL2 EL ontology language, which contains
the following features:

Axiom types:
	- SubClassOf
	- EquivalentClasses
	- DisjointClasses
	- SubObjectPropertyOf
	- EquivalentObjectProperties
	- TransitiveObjectProperty
	- ObjectPropertyDomain
	- ClassAssertion
	- ObjectPropertyAssertion 
	- SameIndividual
	- DifferentIndividuals
Class expressions:
	- owl:Thing
	- owl:Nothing
	- ObjectIntersectionOf
	- ObjectSomeValuesFrom
	- ObjectOneOf

Object property expressions:
	- ObjectPropertyChain 

The ELepHant Reasoner is available both as precompiled binaries and source.
Currently the binary distribution is available for the 64-bit Linux x86 
platform. The binary is statically compiled, i.e., you do not need to install
any external libraries. Binaries for other platforms are on the way.

You can also install ELepHant from the sources. It does not depend on any external
libraries. You can get the source either as a tarball or clone the git repository.


Untar the tarball: 
$ tar zxvf ELepHant-reasoner-0.3.0.tar.gz

Change to the source directory
$ cd ELepHant-reasoner-0.3.0

Run the configure script with
$ ./configure

Then run make:
$ make

If everything goes right, the executable elephant-reasoner will be created in the
src directory. You can install it with:
$ make install

The executable elephant-reasoner will be installed in /usr/local/bin

$ elephant-reasoner -i input_ontology -o output_taxonomy -r reasoning_task

where reasoning task is one of classification, consistency or realisation.

If run with the verbose option "-v", ELepHant prints detailed information about 
the input ontology (like the number of axioms, classes etc.) and statistical information 
about reasoning (like runtimes, number of inferred axioms, etc.)

Known bugs:

- So far no known bugs for the supported features (20.05.2015)