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added shell instructions
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pgodel committed Mar 7, 2012
1 parent 72ce3dd commit eb7bb59
Showing 1 changed file with 23 additions and 1 deletion.
24 changes: 23 additions & 1 deletion
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# SGControlBundle

The SGControlBundle is a Symfony2 bundle that provides command line tools to interact with the ServerGrove Control Panel.
The SGControlBundle is a Symfony2 bundle that provides command line tools to interact with the ServerGrove Control Panel. It also provides an interactive shell.

The following command line tools are provided:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,28 @@ Once you have the API key and secret, add it to app/config.yml:
./console sgc:api:client server/list
./console sgc:api:client server/stop serverId=abc123

## Interactive shell:

./console sgc:shell

* help/h/? - list commands
* servers - list servers
* server <option> - selects a server from the servers list. option can be an numeric option from the list or a server name. A partial name can also be provided and it will select the first match
* reboot <server> - reboots a server. <server> is optional. If not given it will use the selected server. It will ask for confirmation before proceding
* shutdown <server> - shuts down a server. <server> is optional. If not given it will use the selected server. It will ask for confirmation before proceding
* bootup <server> - boots up a server. <server> is optional. If not given it will use the selected server
* domains - list domains under selected server
* domain <option> - selects a domain from the domains list. option can be an numeric option from the list or a domain name. A partial name can also be provided and it will select the first match
* apps - list apps under selected server
* app <option> - selects a app from the apps list. option can be an numeric option from the list or a app name. A partial name can also be provided and it will select the first match
* restart <app> - restarts an application. <app> is optional. If not given it will use the selected app. It will ask for confirmation before proceding
* stop <app> - restarts an application. <app> is optional. If not given it will use the selected app. It will ask for confirmation before proceding
* start <app> - restarts an application. <app> is optional. If not given it will use the selected app
* . - runs the last command again
* x/q - resets internal selections
* exit/quit - exits shell


**Notice:** The API is still under heavy development, so things MAY change. Please be aware of this.
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