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Best Practices

Guides for getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.

A note on the language:

  • Use is a positive instruction. [link]
  • Prefer indicates a better option and its alternative to watch out for. [link]
  • Avoid means don't do it unless you have good reason. [link]
  • Don't means there's never a good reason. [link]


  • Keep documentation and configuration samples up to date. [link]
  • Have your changes covered by tests. [link]
  • Prefer a single log message over multiple messages. [link]
  • Prefer to order methods so that caller methods are earlier in the file than the methods they call. [link]
  • Prefer to use ChatOps to automate processes. [link]
  • Prefer to use gitflow-avh with our custom hooks while collaborating with the QA team. [link]
  • Avoid object types in names (user_array, email_method, CalculatorClass, ReportModule). [link]
  • Avoid monkey-patching; try to contribute to open source if you have to. [link]
  • Avoid swallowing exceptions and failing silently. [link]
  • Don't extract you code into a library if it used only in a single project and you are not going to publish it. [link]
  • Use perform method name in backgound job, use_case and command classes [link]


  • Use Ruby Style Guide by default, except the guides below. [link]
  • Use the .ruby-version file convention to specify the Ruby version for a project. [link]
  • Use maximum 120 characters in a single line. [link]
  • Use instead of inheritance to declare a single-line error class. [link]
  • Prefer to use Dependency Injection pattern instead of specifying a hardcoded behavior for the environment. [link]
  • Prefer to use acronyms as words in names (XmlHttpRequest, not XMLHTTPRequest). [link]
  • Prefer to log exception with a trace (logger.error("#{e.inspect}\n#{e.backtrace}")). [link]
  • Prefer private when indicating scope; use protected only with comparison methods like ==. [link]
  • Prefer {} for multiline blocks in RSpec let, let! and ActiveRecord validations, scopes. [link]
  • Prefer to freeze all mutable constants. [link]
  • Prefer to use # frozen_string_literal: true with Ruby >= 2.3. [link]
  • Prefer to use keyword arguments if there are more than 2 arguments. [link]
  • Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols such as \n, ', etc. [link]
  • Prefer to use the . on the second line when continuing a chained method invocation on another line. [link]
  • Prefer to use joins(:relation) for ActiveRecord models instead of writing SQL queries manually. [link]
  • Don't create an association inside ActiveRecord model, if you are not going to use it right now. [link]
  • Don't use spaces after { and before } for hash literals. [link]
  • Don't use Timeout. [link]
  • Don't use reassignment of constant [link]


  • Avoid having breaking changes in DB migrations, they should work with both versions of code. [link]
  • Don't use the code from application in migrations if it may be changed. [link]

Background Jobs

  • Use IDs, not ActiveRecord objects for cleaner serialization, then re-find the ActiveRecord object in the perform method. [link]
  • Use two public methods: perform, perform_async. [link]


  • Use not_to instead of to_not in RSpec expectations. [link]
  • Prefer to follow the rules. [link]
  • Prefer to use instance_double instead of double with RSpec. [link]
  • Prefer to use FactoryGirl build_stubbed instead of build to avoid creating associations. [link]
  • Avoid using associations in FactoryGirl, use them in trait. [link]
  • Don't test private methods. [link]


  • Avoid using mocks at all when feasible. [link]
  • Prefer instance_double(SomeClass) over double(method: return_value). [link]
  • Enable verify_partial_doubles and verify_doubled_constant_names. [link]
  • Prefer mocking over any_instance_of(SomeClass). [link]


  • Use simple verbs in commit messages (Fix, Add, Refactor). [link]
  • Use task number at the beginning of each commit message (HER-666 Delete app directory). [link]
  • Use task number in branch name if you're using gitflow (feature/SCD-777_lucky_ticket). [link]
  • Use English characters, digits, -, _, / and . in branch names. [link]
  • Use PR to merge your branch. [link]
  • Don't use force push if you opened a PR with reviewers. [link]

Code Review

  • Be humble (I'm not sure, in my opinion). [link]
  • Ask questions, but be explicit and describe your point. [link]
  • Try to review a complete PR within one day. [link]
  • Try to respond to every reviewer's comment. [link]
  • Talk synchronously (e.g. chat, in person) if there are a lot of disputes, misunderstandings, etc. Post a follow-up comment summarizing the discussion. [link]
  • Don't merge PR if it broke tests on CI. [link]
  • Don't resolve task and don't merge PR without at least one approval. [link]
  • Avoid changes irrelevant to the task. Open separate PR for refactoring changes. [link]


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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


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