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WHAT: Run your prisma service as a docker container with the prisma engine and MySQL Database.

WHY: There are 3 services that must work together. Running them in docker required some magic.

WHO: Anyone using Prisma & MySQL


Getting Started

yarn install && yarn start

See Build Scripts for options.

Where :: Code

Directory Description
src/service Our service which utilizes Prisma
src/database MySQL

Where :: Servers

Purpose URI Port
Prisma Service local 4000
Prisma ORM Engine local 4466
Database local 3306

Build Scripts

Terminal Scripts

These are scripts which are intended to be run from your terminal

  • start

    Build docker-compose.all.yml (ie. production version).

    Jump to Start Options for more info on what start does

  • dev

    Build docker-compose.db.yml (ie. development version).

    Jump to Start Options for more info on what dev does

  • build

    This is the default entry point for rebuilding. By default, it's set to "docker:rebuild:all" because start is set to "start:docker:all". Build and start should match. there a cleaner way to do this? 🤔

    Jump to Build Options

  • clean

    This removes all containers' with "prisma" in its name (ie. all prisma_starter containers are destroyed).

  • test

    This runs docker-compose all & runs ava in --watch mode. Useful when you want to update your tests, but useful when you want to update your tests. Unfortunately, no docker HMR right now so updating source won't work as expected.

Start Options

Start Options are called by start -- Terminal Scripts

  • start:docker:db

    This runs Prisma Engine (:4466) and MySQL (:3306) in docker. Meanwhile, it runs your service locally. Use this option for local development.

  • start:docker:all

    This runs Prisma Engine (:4466), MySQL (:3306) and your Node service (:4000) in Docker containers

    Jump back to Terminal Scripts

Build Options

Build Options are called by build -- Terminal Scripts

  • docker:rebuild:db

    This rebuilds database/docker-compose.db.yml.

  • docker:rebuild:all

    This rebuilds docker-compose.all.yml

localhost:4466 vs prisma:4466

You'll notice in .env that process.env.PRISMA_ENDPOINT is set to http://localhost:4466. However, in index.js the Prisma server is initialized with http://prisma:4466

This is necessary when using docker-compose to containerize our prisma service (ie. src/service/...) along with the prisma engine (ORM layer which translates between prisma queries and mysql) & mysql database (persistent storage).

Why? Short answer is because I'm not using Linux (I use Mac). The type of network you need to map Docker's localhost to your host's (ie. your laptop's) localhost is only available on Linux. I did find a 3rd party solution but decided to not go that route.

If you'd like to explore more, you can peruse my notes on the issue here

Gif Demo

In case you're wondering, the demo below was captured after running npm run start:docker:db. However, from the browser, this is functionally identical to running npm run start:docker:all

open localhost:4000 && open localhost:4466 prstar_localhost_4000_4466

More gifs and screenshots available here:


⭐️ Run Prisma v1 service as a docker container







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