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An open source health and human services app platform and data warehouse. Chat with us at: . Documentation, wiki, and issue tracker is at: . Coordinated Services code is at: . All APIs are at and hosted at h…


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HSLynk is a human services platform developed by ServingLynk, Inc. in conjunction with a community of third-party developers and users. Pay-per-use hosting is offered at The docs, wiki, and issue tracker are all located at: . API documentation is at

HSLynk Human Services Data Warehouse

All subdirectories in this repository contain HSLynk microservice code. Our issue tracker and wiki is in a separate repo (, to keep the code repo lean.


How to Run on local machine

Make a local copy with the below config in /base-model/src/main/resources


# change this indexing location value to point to your local system path (the value below is setup for the server)
#Also adding some more properties
git clone
cd hslynk-open-source
mvn clean install -DskipTests

Note: if you wish to run the unit tests, remove "-DskipTests" from the mvn command above,

Deploy instructions

Tomcat is used to deploy this app.

First time steps

  • Create database:
Open Eclipse and navigate to
Base Schema
 replace <pathelement location="/Users/sdolia/.m2/repository/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>
 to wherever you have <pathelement location="MAVEN_HOME/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>

run setupDB

v2014   (You need to run this if you plan to load data in the 2014 schema)
  replace <pathelement location="/Users/sdolia/.m2/repository/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>
 to wherever you have <pathelement location="MAVEN_HOME/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>

run setupDB2014

v2015   (You need to run this if you plan to load data in the 2015 schema)
  replace <pathelement location="/Users/sdolia/.m2/repository/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>
 to wherever you have <pathelement location="MAVEN_HOME/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>

run setupDB2015

v2016  (You need to run this if you plan to load data in the 2016 schema)
  replace <pathelement location="/Users/sdolia/.m2/repository/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>
 to wherever you have <pathelement location="MAVEN_HOME/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>

run setupDB2016

v2017 (You need to run this if you plan to load data in the 2017 schema)
  replace <pathelement location="/Users/sdolia/.m2/repository/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>
 to wherever you have <pathelement location="MAVEN_HOME/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.3-1101-jdbc41/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc41.jar"/>

run setupDB2017

Git Eclipse Maven Howto: Below is an example showing how to import Maven projects from the GitHub

In this example:
Git repository:
Project: coordinated-entry
Sub project

Open Eclipse
File => Import
Git => Projects from Git => Next
	HiLight Clone URI => Next	
	Repository Path:/hserv/coordinated-entry
	Protocol https
	=> Next
	Select survey_global_project
	Local Destination
Select import Wizard
	Click Maven 
	HiLight Existing Maven Projects
	=> Next
	Root Directory
	Browse to c:/Users/xxxx/git/coordinated-entry
	Check Project(s) to import from the list of projects (survey-api)
		=> Finish
	Projects have been imported and show in the Package Explorer window
	HiLight survey-api
	Right Click 
		HiLight Run As
			Maven install

Deploy steps

  • Open server.xml in your tomcat and add the below line.
  • Deploy microservices you want in eclipse or any IDE.

Project Description

  • admin :
    Admin UI application for admin related activity for HSLynk.
  • authorization-service :
    Authorization service is a microservice which takes care of authentication and authorization and is a means to acquire authentication token whichn will be required to call other microservices.
  • base-model :
    Base model is project which points to the base postgres schema.
  • base-serialize :
    Base serialize contains pojos to serialize/de-serialize apis from the base base schema.
  • user-service :
    Microservice containing apis providing hslynk user,projects, organization, roles specific information.
  • base-service :
    Base service is a common service layer across all the ces, global, and hmis version specific schema and also contains service layer for the base service schema.
  • hmis-chronichomeless-v2014: Background process to calculate Chronic homelessness in the 2014 schema.
  • client-dedup :
    Microservice to determine dedup client id from OPEN EMPI.
  • client-deidentify :
    Standalone java project to de-identify (remove) client specific information from the source file. Client information like First Name, Last Name, DOB, SSN.
  • hmis-clientapi-v2014 :
    Microservice which has apis against the 2014 schema (HUD Version 4.0.1)
  • hmis-clientapi-v2015 :
    Microservice which has apis against the 2015 schema (HUD Version 4.1.1)
  • hmis-clientapi-v2016m :
    Microservice which has apis against the 2016 schema (HUD Version 5.1)
  • clientapi-v2017 :
    Microservice which has apis against the 2017 schema (HUD Version 6.1)
  • core-client :
    Common project across all the projects to communicate between microservices.
  • core-common :
    Common library across all the projects containing basic utils and classes.
  • developer-service :
    Microservice which contains apis to provision trusted app, developer company, developer service.
  • global-household :
    Microservice containing apis related to global household.
  • globalapi :
    Microservice containing apis related to global entitites.
  • hmis-hud-reports :
    Project which calculates/generates HUD APR reports.
  • hmis-load-processor-v2014 :
    Processes uploaded files agains the 2014 schema.
  • hmis-load-processor-v2015 :
    Processes uploaded files agains the 2015 schema.
  • hmis-load-processor-v2016 :
    Processes uploaded files agains the 2016 schema.
  • hmis-load-processor-v2017 :
    Processes uploaded files agains the 2016 schema.
  • hmis-model-v2014 :
    Java library containing Hibernate entities related to the 2014 data model.
  • hmis-model-v2015 :
    Java library containing Hibernate entities related to the 2015 data model.
  • hmis-model-v2016 :
    Java library containing Hibernate entities related to the 2016 data model.
  • hmis-model-v2017 :
    Java library containing Hibernate entities related to the 2017 data model.
  • hmis-serialize-v2014 :
    Java library containing pojos to serialize/de-serialize apis related to the 2014 database schema. HUD version 4.0.1.
  • hmis-serialize-v2015 :
    Java library containing pojos to serialize/de-serialize apis related to the 2015 database schema. HUD version 4.1.1.
  • hmis-serialize-v2016 :
    Java library containing pojos to serialize/de-serialize apis related to the 2016 database schema. HUD version 5.1.
  • hmis-serialize-v2017 :
    Java library containing pojos to serialize/de-serialize apis related to the 2017 database schema. HUD version 6.1.
  • hmis-service-v2014 :
    Java library containing spring service layer classes for 2014 apis and data model.
  • hmis-service-v2015 :
    Java library containing spring service layer classes for 2015 apis and data model.
  • hmis-service-2016 :
    Java library containing spring service layer classes for 2016 apis and data model.
  • hmis-service-v2017 :
    Java library containing spring service layer classes for 2017 apis and data model.
  • s3-client :
    Java library containing code to connect to Amazon S3 for HSlynk.
  • upload-service :
    Microservice to upload xml,zip or .7z files and to know the fetch the bulk uploads by status.
  • notification-core :
    Java library to send email notification for functionalities like welcome email etc.
  • notification-service :
    Microservice which uses hmis-notification-core to send notifications.
  • report-core :
    Java library containing core report functionality.
  • report-service :
    Microservice which would be used to request a report for users.
  • sync-general :
    Sync process to sync data from postgres CES schema to HBASE.
  • sync-years :
    Sync process to sync data from postgres global, CES, HMIS version specific schemas to HBASE.


An open source health and human services app platform and data warehouse. Chat with us at: . Documentation, wiki, and issue tracker is at: . Coordinated Services code is at: . All APIs are at and hosted at h…






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