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Ok, I'll use this document to write findings and pending stuff.



DataChannels in the current implementation are raw, so feross lied about simple-peer providing duplex streams, if you look in the implementation (correct me if I'm wrong) the _write method is just sending without any sort of confirmation through the wire, because the expectation is to buffer everything like always, we don't want that, we want 1 chunk at a time, that means, we send 1 chunk, the receiving end sends a message to the origin asking for the next chunk (what I mean is, in local streams is fine because the instances expect methods to drain the stream, but through the wire we are using serialized interfaces in both ends, so we need to deal with the flow control messaging.)

File sharing

Ok, so the naive implementation for file sharing from hub -> workers but there's a lot of details that need to be handled:

  • Right now the file sharing is totally ignoring backpressure so in the emitting side is buffering the full file into the peer connection, with small files there's no problem, but with big files doesn't scale at all, we need to create a Duplex stream to handle the ds connection (implementing a class that extends Duplex and create the stream methods, _read, _write, _finalize), we can use simple-peer as reference.

You can read more about streams (here in the docs)[]

Some thoughts about this

The native send method in WebRTC already has a drain logic, this means internally should have some sort of control-flow signaling logic, so we can trigger the buffer-drained event to push the next chunk, but this needs to be confirmed because there's a big hole in the docs vs current implementations.


Create a method that returns a stream that uses a RTCDataChannel as transport, here you can specify some things like:

  • path: for files
  • type: to know whats the point of this stream, is a file?, is just a buffer (wasm)?, maybe is a express endpoint?.
  • highWaterMark: maybe it can be dynamic based on current conditions.

The idea is that the stream should work with other native streams so it's pipeable so signals from the OS can travel from the sink to the source.

Need to discuss this with the team.


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