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Awesome Laravel Interview questions

Get well-prepared for your next Laravel career and push your Laravel knowledge to a new level, super advanced!

This will focus on 100% backend questions based on Laravel framework.


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Table of Contents


  1. Migrations & Seeders
  2. Routing
  3. Middlewares
  4. Requests
  5. Controllers
  6. Models / Eloquents / Query Builders


  1. Service Provider
  2. Service Container
  3. Facade
  4. Artisan Commands
  5. Queue
  6. Events / Listeners
  7. Task Scheduling - Cron Job
  8. Test
    1. Unit tests
    2. Feature tests

Basic Questions

1/ Migrations & Seeders

  1. Use cases of Migrations & Seeders?
    • Use Migrations for actions that affecting table's structure (CREATE, ALTER, DROP)
    • Use Seeders for actions that affecting table's data (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
  2. When creating a Migration to create a table, what are the recommendations for the new table?
    • Use the default timestamps() method to create created_at and updated_at which built-in in Eloquent, helps to track
    • Use the softDeletes(), avoid hard-delete on the Production - data is king.
  3. Can I put multiple statements in a same Migration?
    • No, avoid to do so. We never know if a Migration went wrong, once it goes wrong, we can't hit the migrate command again because there would be some statement that already ran in the previous migration.
    • Keep the Migration as small as possible.
  4. Which helpers that I can use for Seeders?
    • Faker
    • Factory

2/ Routing

  1. Best practices of Laravel's Routes?
    • Using kebab-case for the route (eg: my-details, user-details/profile,...)
    • Follow this register Route::get('my-details', [MyDetailsController::class, 'index']);
    • Group the same prefix routes
  2. What is the main benefit of the Route::resource(..)?
    • To register CRUD routes in 1 line only
  3. How to optimize the routes computing times?
    • By caching it, using php artisan route:cache

3/ Middlewares

  1. Pros and Cons of registering your custom middleware in protected $middleware?
    • Pros: my middleware will be triggered for every requests
    • Cons: I can't access to sessions or cookies because it will be computed in a later Middlewares (web group)
  2. Usage of throttle?
    • throttle:300,1 means we only allow 300 requests in 1 minute
    • Use it to avoid spaming/hijacking requests
  3. We can handle things before the request is going to Controller, but can we handle something after the process of Controller finished?
    • Yes, basically we can invoke $next($request) and the line below, we can add our custom actions
    // Sample Code
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) {
        $result = $next($request);
        // do your own logic here
        Log::info('Request log:' . json_encode($result));
        return $result;

4/ Requests

  1. Do you use custom FormRequest? What are the benefis of using FormRequest.
    • A single place to validate the request: authorization & data validation before going to Controller.
    • Request can only reach to the Controller once everything is validated (GOOD)
  2. How can I perform some actions after the authorization check or validation check?
    • Use passedAuthorization() and passedValidation() hooks to achieve that.
  3. What can I do more for my custom FormRequest class?
    • You can implement getter methods eg getAccount(), getTopic() and make them return the exact type, so from your Controller to can retrieve the needful typed instances. A great help for IDE as well.

5/ Controllers

  1. Best practices of Controller?
    • Use FormRequest to validate all of the data, then from Controller, we can start the processing without any checking.
    • Prefer Dependency Injection (ideally in the method's parameters)
    • If there are too much things to handle, create multiple services to handle instead of putting all logic in 1 place
    • Always prepare the return type of Controller's methods (JsonResponse, ViewResponse,...)
    • Follows Laravel's Resource structure (index, show, create, update,...)
  2. How I can invoke another Controller's method?
    • You don't, and it is super bad practice. You need to extract the login into a Service, then inject the Service where you want to use.
    • Following DRY - Don't repeat yourself
  3. Can I register my Controller without any methods in the routes file?
    • You can, then you need to implement the __invoke() method in order to make it work.

6. Models / Eloquents / Query Builders

  1. How to avoid N+1 problems?
    • By using eager-loading.
  2. How to trace queries of Eloquents / Query Builders?
    • You can use Laravel Debugbar, Ray, Telescope,...
    • For PROD applications, you can use DataDog, BlackFire,...
  3. How to know which fields/columns that a single Eloquent Model has?
    • We need to manually add the phpDoc and maintain the @property there. And it is IDE-friendly.


Deep-dive Questions

Coming soon...


  • Seth Phat
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Awesome Laravel Interview questions for everybody






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