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Sample cluster build with docker-compose

Please refer the build scripts documentation for easy images build.


KlusterKite folder - contains the docker-compose description of sample cluster. After all docker images are built the sample cluster can be started as docker-compose up -d command from this directory.

The docker-compose will start the following services:

  • Vpn-server to let host system attach to the containers network
  • Nuget private server
  • PostgreSQL to store KlusterKite.Nodemanager configuration database
  • Redis server to store authentication tokens
  • ELK stack server to store and analyze logs
  • Seed service to provide Akka.NET cluster lighthouse service
  • Nginx entry point to publish all web-based service outside the cluster
  • publisher1 and publisher2 services to demonstrate redundant cluster internal web publishing (these containers are made from klusterkite/publisher image, see below)
  • monitoringUI to publish KlusterKite.Nodemanager UI
  • seeder service to initialize the configuration database on cluster first start
  • manager - the service from klusterkite/manager docker image (see below). This type of service can be safely scaled to add more nodes to the cluster
  • manager - the service from klusterkite/worker docker image (see below). This type of service can be safely scaled to add more nodes to the cluster

Base images

This is the list of docker images that are either used as base images for som other or just contains third-party services.

  • KlusterKiteBaseWorkerNode docker image with Ubuntu system and CoreCLR installed. This is built to klusterkite/baseworker docker image with build scripts. It's used as a base for other images.
  • KlusterKiteBaseWebNode the same as KlusterKiteBaseWorkerNode, but with additional Nginx installed. This is built to klusterkite/baseweb docker image with build scripts. It's used as a base for other images.
  • KlusterKiteNuget - the simple private NuGet server based on Simple NuGet Server project. This is built to klusterkite/nuget docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKitePostgres - the ubuntu server with Postgres installed. This is built to klusterkite/Postgres docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKiteVpn - the OpenVPN server to get easy access to docker containers network with direct network access to the containers. The OpenVPN client configuration is in the Client folder.
  • KlusterKiteELK - the ElasticSearch and Kibana. This is built to klusterkite/elk docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKite.Redis - just the Redis server. This is built to klusterkite/redis docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKiteEntry - pre-configured Nginx server to act as system entry point. Please check the KlusterKite.Web documentation.

The worker images

This is the list of docker images that contains the code to launch Akka.NET cluster nodes.

  • KlusterKiteSeed - the Akka.NET Cluster lighthouse. This is built to klusterkite/seed docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKiteSeeder - the one-time run script to perform database seeding. This is built to klusterkite/seeder docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKiteManager - the image preconfigured to hold the KlusterKite.NodeManager and KlusterKite.Monitoring functions. Contains the KlusterKite.NodeManager.Launcher that is configured with manager container type and have an appropriate fallback configuration for the cluster start procedure. This is built to klusterkite/manager docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKitePublisher - the image preconfigured to hold the KlusterKite.Web.NginxConfigurator functions. Contains the KlusterKite.NodeManager.Launcher that is configured with publisher container type and have an appropriate fallback configuration for the cluster start procedure. Also, have installed Nginx in it. This is built to klusterkite/publisher docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKiteWorker - the image has no preconfigured functions and will wait for system to assign them. Contains the KlusterKite.NodeManager.Launcher that is configured with worker container type and doesn't have any fallback configuration, so it will not start until the cluster will assign a function to it. This is built to klusterkite/worker docker image with build scripts.
  • KlusterKiteMonitoring - contains a static Web-site with KlusterKite management UI based on React/Relay. This is built to klusterkite/monitoring-ui docker image with build scripts.