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A bunch of color schemes for Intellij-based IDEs, such as PyCharm and CLion. These schemes were not created by me, I merely ported them, because I wasn't happy with what I found online.

Here is the current list:


These scheme uses github syntax highlighting and actually applies them as github does, instead of just copying color values and applying them arbitrarily to source code. It takes however some liberties as Intellij's language parsers often allows more control on what you can style.

Solarized Light

Adapted from Ethan Schoonover


Adapted from Oblivion for textmate


Recent versions of Intellij IDEs use xml files with the extension .icls. These files should be copied to the appropriate directory, depending on the IDE and your platform.


  • macOS: ~/Library/Preferences/PyCharm${version}/colors/
  • Linux: ~/.PyCharm40/config/color
  • Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10: C:\Users\$USER\.PyCharm${version}\config\colors
  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\$USER\.PyCharm${version}\config\colors


  • macOS: ~/Library/Preferences/clion${version}/colors/
  • Linux: ~/.clion${version}/config/color
  • Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10: C:\Users\$USER\.clion${version}\config\colors
  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\$USER\.clion${version}\config\colors