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Simple chanserv helper script for Xchat
(c) 2006-2013 Dennis Kaarsemaker

Latest version can be found on

This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Usage instructions:
- Place in ~/.xchat2 for it to be autoloaded
- Use /py load if you already started X-chat
- Connect to freenode, if not connected (other networks will not work)

It adds one command to xchat: /cs
/cs understands the following arguments

To give/take ops/voice:

o  or op      - Let chanserv op you/others (/cs op, /cs op nick)
v  or voice   - Let chanserv give you/others voice
d  or deop    - Let chanserv deop you/others (/cs deop, /cs deop nick)
dv or devoice - Let chanserv decoice you/others (/cs devoice, /cs devoice nick)

To op yourself, perform an action, and deop:

k  or kick    - Kick a user, possibly with comment (/cs kick nick [comment])
b  or ban     - Ban a user (/cs ban [-nihar] nick)
kb or kickban - Kick and ban a user (/cs ban [-nihar] nick)
f  or forward - Ban a user with a forward (/cs forward [-nihar] nick chan)
kf or kickforward - Kickban a user with a forward (/cs forward [-nihar] nick chan)
m  or mute    - Mute a user (/cs mute [-nihar] nick)
l  or lart    - A combination of kick and ban on all fields
u  or unban   - Remove all bans for a user (/cs u nick)
t  or topic   - Set channel topic (/cs t New topic here)
m  or mode    - Change channel mode (/cs mode modes here)
i  or invite  - Invite yourself or someone else (/cs invite [nick])
bans          - Show bans that apply to someone without removing them (/cs bans nick)

* Bans, forwards and mute take an extra optional argument that specifies
  what should be banned: nickname, ident, host, account and/or realname.
  /cs ban -nah nick -- Ban nick, account and host
  /cs forward -nihra nick #somewhere -- Forward all

* These commands also take an extra argument to specify when bans/mutes
  should be lifted automatically.
  /cs ban -t600 nick -- Ban nick for 10 minutes
  /cs ban -nah -t3600 -- Ban nick, account and hostname for an hour

* Unban will remove all bans matching the nick or mask you give as argument
  (*  and ? wildcards work)
* It won't actually kick, but use the /remove command

The following additional features are implemented
- Autorejoin for /remove
- Auto-unmute when muted
- Auto-unban via chanserv
- Auto-invite via chanserv
- Auto-getkey via chanserv

Please note that as of march 2013, I am no longer using Xchat. This script is
stable and hasn't seen much changes over the last few years though. Bug reports
and reasonable feature requests will still be accepted and acted upon, but I
will not come up with new features, or find bugs myself.


Chanserv helper for freenode






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