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PHPJsonUtilities v1.2.2

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@sevidmusic sevidmusic released this 25 Oct 23:45
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             A library for working with json in php

The PHPJsonUtilities library provides classes for working with
json in php.

The following classes are provided by this library:


Which is a \Stringable type that can be used to encode values of
various types as valid json.


Which provides a decode() method that can be used
to decode values that were encoded as json via a



composer require darling/php-json-utilities

Example of encoding and decoding a value


include(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor/autoload.php');

use \Darling\PHPJsonUtilities\classes\decoders\JsonDecoder;
use \Darling\PHPJsonUtilities\classes\encoded\data\Json;

class Foo {

     * Example class.
     * @param int $int,
     * @param bool $bool,
     * @param string $string,
     * @param float $float,
     * @param array<mixed> $array,
     * @param Json $json
    public function __construct(
        private int $int,
        private bool $bool,
        protected string $string,
        public float $float,
        public array $array,
        public Json $json
    ) {}

    public function int():int {
        return $this->int;
    public function bool(): bool {
        return $this->bool;
    public function string(): string {
        return $this->string;


$value = new Foo(
        rand(0, 100),
        boolval(rand(0, 1)),
        floatval(strval(rand(1, 100)) . strval(rand(1, 100))),
            rand(1, 100),
                'string' => str_shuffle('abcdefg'),
        new Json(new Json(json_encode(str_shuffle('absdefg'))))

$json = new Json($value);

$jsonDecoder = new JsonDecoder();

/** @var Foo $decodedValue */
$decodedValue = $jsonDecoder->decode($json);

echo 'types match' . PHP_EOL;
echo ($value::class == $decodedValue::class ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

 * == is used to compare $value with $decodedValue because we just
 * need verify object equality, i.e. equal type and property values,
 * not instance equality.
echo 'object are equal in terms of type and property values.' . PHP_EOL;
echo ($value == $decodedValue ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

echo 'float property values match' . PHP_EOL;
echo ($value->float === $decodedValue->float ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

echo 'array property values match' . PHP_EOL;
echo ($value->array === $decodedValue->array ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

 * When checking properties that accept an object instance,
 * == is used to compare original property value with the
 * decoded property value because we just need verify object
 * equality, i.e. equal type and property values, not instance
 * equality.
echo 'json property values match in terms of object equality.' . PHP_EOL;
echo ($value->json == $decodedValue->json ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

echo 'int property values match' . PHP_EOL;
echo ($value->int() === $decodedValue->int() ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

echo 'bool property values match' . PHP_EOL;
echo ($value->bool() === $decodedValue->bool() ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

echo 'string property values match' . PHP_EOL;
echo ($value->string() === $decodedValue->string() ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

Expected Output

types match
object are equal in terms of type and property values.
float property values match
array property values match
json property values match in terms of object equality.
int property values match
bool property values match
string property values match

More Examples

See the
integration tests
defined in the tests/integration/ directory for more examples of how
to use the classes provided by this library.