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Command line utility designed to aide in development with roady


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rig is a command line utility designed to aide in development with the Roady php framework.


rig can be installed via one of the following installation methods:

Install via composer:

composer require darling/rig

Note: If rig is installed via composer, then the rig, rig.php, and scripts will be available in vendor/bin.

Install via git:

git clone

After installing rig, it is helpful to create a symlink to rig in ~/.local/bin.

To make this easier, rig provides a script that will do just that.

If rig was installed with composer require darling/rig, run the setup script in vendor/bin:


If rig was installed with git clone, run the setup script in rig's root directory:


Note: will not overwrite an existing rig symlink by default.

To force to overwrite an existing rig symlink use the --force flag:

# For composer installation
./vendor/bin/ --force
# For git installation
./ --force

Getting Started

To make sure rig is is installed and callable, run the following command:

rig --version

If that worked, then rig is installed properly.

Creating a Module

rig can be used to create new Module for a Roady project.

For example, to create a Module named hello-world run the following command:

rig --new-module \
    --module-name "hello-world"

This will create a Module named hello-world in the current Roady project's modules directory.


It will also create the following files:



To use this Module, start a development server on localhost:8080 via rig --start-servers --open-in-browser.

Note: If localhost:8080 does not open in a browser automatically, then manually open a web browser and navigate to localhost:8080.

If everything is working then the new module's output, Hello hello-world, should be displayed in the browser.

Additional Documentation

Documentation relevant to rig's individual commands can be found below.

More thorough documentation about using rig with Roady to build websites can be found in Roady's


rig --help

Display documentation about rig, or one of rig's commands.




rig --help

rig --help about

rig --help delete-route

rig --help getting-started

rig --help help

rig --help installation

rig --help list-routes

rig --help new-module

rig --help new-route

rig --help start-servers

rig --help update-route

rig --help version

rig --help view-action-log

rig --help view-readme

rig --delete-route

Delete the Route that is assigned the specified Route hash.

Note: Route hashes are displayed in the output of rig --list-routes.


--path-to-roady-project     The path to the relevant Roady project's
                            root directory.

                            Defaults to current directory: ./

--route-hash                The hash of the Route to delete.


rig --delete-route \
--route-hash "016bbd46d3a3fc25c"

rig --delete-route \
--path-to-roady-project "./" \
--route-hash "6591c3e1ed38ed5eb"

rig --list-routes

List the Routes configured by existing Modules.

Note: If no arguments are specified, all of the Routes defined by all existing Modules will be included in the list.


--defined-for-authorities     If specified, only list Routes
                              that are defined for one of the
                              specified Authorities.

--defined-for-modules         If specified, only list Routes
                              that are defined by one of the
                              specified Modules.

--defined-for-requests        If specified, only list the
                              Routes that respond to one of
                              the specified Requests.

--defined-for-named-positions If specified, only list Routes that
                              are defined for one of the specified
                              Named Positions.

--defined-for-positions       If specified, only list Routes
                              that are defined for one of the
                              specified Positions.

--defined-for-files           If specified, only list Routes that
                              are defined for one of the specified

--path-to-roady-project       The path to the relevant Roady project's
                              root directory.

                              Defaults to current directory: ./


rig --list-routes

rig --list-routes --defined-for-modules "hello-world" "hello-universe"

rig --list-routes --defined-for-requests "homepage" "global"

rig --list-routes --defined-for-named-positions "roady-ui-header"

rig --list-routes --defined-for-positions "0" "3"

rig --list-routes --defined-for-files "homepage.html" "global.css"

It is also possible to specify multiple arguments to further filter the results.

rig --list-routes \
    --defined-for-modules "hello-world" "hello-universe" \
    --defined-for-requests "homepage" "global" \
    --defined-for-named-positions "roady-ui-header" \
    --defined-for-positions "0" "3" \
    --defined-for-files "homepage.html" "global.css"

The output of rig --list-routes will look something like:

  # Routes

 │ route-hash:       │ 016bbd46d3a3fc25c                                   │
 │ defined-by-module │ hello-world                                         │
 │ responds-to       │ homepage                                            │
 │ named-positions   │ [{"position-name":"roady-ui-footer","position":10}] │
 │ relative-path     │ output/hello-world.html                             │

 │ route-hash:       │ 6591c3e1ed38ed5eb                                  │
 │ defined-by-module │ hello-world                                        │
 │ responds-to       │ hello-universe, hello-world, homepage              │
 │ named-positions   │ [{"position-name":"roady-ui-header","position":3}] │
 │ relative-path     │ output/header.html                                 │

rig --new-module

Create a new Module in the current Roady project's modules directory.

If the --no-boilerplate flag is not specified, the following initial files and directories will be created for the new Module.

Note: The name NEW_MODULE_NAME will be replaced by the new Module's actual name.


The content of the initial files created for the new Module will be:

  • output/NEW_MODULE_NAME.html
<p>Hello NEW_MODULE_NAME</p>
  • localhost.8080.json

    Note: The string NEW_MODULE_NAME in the example json will be replaced by the new Module's actual name.

        "module-name": "NEW_MODULE_NAME",
        "responds-to": [
        "named-positions": [
                "position-name": "roady-ui-main-content",
                "position": 0
        "relative-path": "output\/NEW_MODULE_NAME.html"


--for-authority             If specified, create an initial Route
                            configuration file for the specified
                            domain authority.

                            Note: If the --for-authority flag is
                            not specified then an initial Route
                            configuration file will be created
                            for the authority:


                            Note: If the --no-boilerplate flag is
                            specified and the --for-authority flag
                            is not specified then an initial Route
                            configuration file will not be created.

--no-boilerplate            If specified, do not create any
                            initial files and directories for
                            the new Module.

--module-name               The name to assign to the new Module.

--path-to-roady-project     The path to the relevant Roady project's
                            root directory.

                            Defaults to current directory: ./


rig --new-module \
    --module-name hello-world

rig --new-module \
    --module-name hello-universe \
    --for-authority ""

rig --new-module \
    --module-name hello-multiverse \
    --for-authority "localhost:8888" \
    --no-boilerplate \
    --path-to-roady-project "./"

rig --new-route

Define a new Route for an existing Module.


--module-name               The name of the Module to define the new
                            Route for.

--named-positions           A json string that represents an array
                            of arrays of named positons.

                            For example:


--path-to-roady-project     The path to the relevant Roady project's
                            root directory.

                            Defaults to current directory: ./

--relative-path             The path to the file served by the Route,
                            relative to the Module's root directory.

--responds-to               The names of the Requests the Route will
                            respond to.


rig --new-route \
--module-name "hello-world" \
--named-positions '[{"position-name":"roady-ui-footer","position":10}]' \
--relative-path "output/hello-world.html" \
--responds-to "homepage" "hello-world"

rig --start-servers

Start up one or more local servers on the specified ports.

If no ports are specified then start a local server on port 8080.

The servers will be available at localhost:PORT, for example, rig --start-server 8888 would start a local server that would be accsessible at localhost:8888.


--ports           The ports to start servers on.

--open-in-browser If specified, attempt to automatically open
                  the running servers in a browser.


# start server on localhost:8080
rig --start-servers

# start server on localhost:8888 and localhost:8017
rig --start-servers --ports 8888 8017

# start server on localhost:8420 and open it in a browser
rig --start-servers --ports 8420 --open-in-browser

rig --update-route

Update the Route that is assigned the specified Route hash using the specified criteria.

Note: Route hashes are displayed in the table produced by rig --list-routes.


--module-name               The name of the Module the Route is
                            defined for.

--named-positions           A json string that represents an array
                            of arrays of named positons.

                            For example:


--path-to-roady-project     The path to the relevant Roady project's
                            root directory.

                            Defaults to current directory: ./

--relative-path             The path to the file served by the Route,
                            relative to the Module's root directory.

--responds-to               The names of the additional Requests
                            the Route will respond to.

--route-hash                The hash of the Route to update.


rig --update-route \
--module-name "hello-world" \
--named-positions '[{"position-name":"roady-ui-footer","position":10}]' \
--relative-path "output/hello-world.html" \
--responds-to "homepage" "hello-world"

rig --version

Display rig's version.

Note: If rig is not up to date, a warning message will be shown.


rig --version

rig --view-action-log

View the log of Actions that have been taken by the commands run by rig.


rig --view-action-log


Command line utility designed to aide in development with roady







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