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Probable Implementation of Attention Mechanism for English to Bangla Translation

MD Muhaimin Rahman contact: sezan92[at]gmail[dot]com

In this project I have implemented -at least tried to implement- Attention Mechanism for Encoder-Decoder Deep Learning Network for English To Bangla Translation in keras. Neural Machine Translation is a case for Encoder Decoder network. An example is given in Jason Brownlee's blog . But this architecture had a problem for long sentences . Bahdanau et al. used Attention mechanism for Neural Machine Translation , in this paper.

Attention Mechanism

I have used one of the implementations from Luong Thang's phd thesis. From the paper, the model is as following attention_luong. Don't be afraid by the image! What attention layer does can be summarized in following points

  • Takes Input
  • Takes the Hidden state of Encode Input,
  • Takes the Hidden state of Previous Output
  • Derives a function with the two hidden state,
  • Derives a softmax function from that tanh function
  • Multiplies this softmax function with the hidden state of input
  • The attention work is done , the rest is like Decoder Architecture


I have worked on English to Bengali (My mother tongue). I have used the data from this website , it has around 4500 data for English-Bangla translation . The result is not good, but for my first try with attention from scratch, I am happy with it! The [notebook](Attention Mechanism.ipynb) tries to explain the code. Bangla .

  • code for training model
  • code for testing the model


This architecture wasn't possible to train in my tiny laptop gpu of Geforce 920mx! Just look at the architecture I had to use floydhub cloud gpu which is NVIDIA Tesla K80.

Other Keras Implementations?

Not Many keras implementations are available in internet . I have found one from a brother Philip peremy , but I am doubtful about his implementation.

Philip Peremy

Philip Peremy tried to show keras Attention here. But his code looks problematic. His schematic is as follows, peremy_wrong . The problem with this implementation is that it doesn't take account to the hidden state of the decoder network! It just does it's thing from the encoder side! That's a kind of manual lstm!

Area of Improvement

  • My code is just in beta stage. I am not too much sure if My code is the perfect implementation of Attention Mechanism . So I request to the reader if any bugs or problems can be found, if yes-which is more likely-please feel free to contact!

  • And obviously, the translation is not upto standard! Please try to add the data and make more human-like.


I first came to know about Attention mechanism from Andrew Ng's video of Deep Learning Specialization , course 5. But I was not sure how to implement them. Then I read the two above mentioned papers. Also Jason Brownlee's article helped me to make sure what I have understood is correct or not.

I am grateful to Luong Thang and Bahdanau for their papers! I found Bahdanau's paper more readable than Luong's! Both helped me a lot.


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