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SF WDI 19/20 - Project One


It's time to put everything that you've learned in the past month together! For the first project you will use your knowledge of front and back-end web development to produce an awesome web application that can be used by friends, family or any of the other billions of people who use the Internet. The type of web application you create is your choice.

The objective of this project is to:

  • Apply the skills you've learned by building a web application from the ground up.
  • Demonstrate mastery of topics covered during this course so far.

You will each need to turn in an individual project, but you will move faster and learn more if you take time to pair program with other students.


Your app should have all of the following:

  • Express API Implement a server-side JSON API with Express.
  • RESTful Routes Design the routes in a RESTful manner.
  • MongoDB Persist at least two models in a Mongo Database.
  • AJAX Leverage your server-side API to fetch JSON asynchronously to the client-side.
  • jQuery Use jQuery to manipulate the DOM and/or data on the client-side.
  • Templating Render the JSON data on the client-side using underscore templates.
  • Testing Write request tests for 50% of your app's API routes.
  • Authentication Enable users to sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Data Validation Validate data by handling incorrect inputs during sign up, such as unique email addresses and minimum password lengths.
  • Model Relationship Create a has_many relationship between the User and another model using either embedded or referenced data.
  • Visual Design Use Bootstrap to kick-start your UI and UX.
  • Heroku Deploy your app to Heroku.
    • Ensure no app secrets are exposed. Do not commit secret keys to Github!


If you want to push yourself and learn something new, optionally consider doing some of the following with your app, but please talk to an instructor beforehand:

  • Authorization Disallow users from deleting content in other user's profiles. This means a user should not be able to delete a post (or other resource) if it is not theirs.
  • Many-to-Many Set up a many-to-many relationship like "tags" on posts.
  • Search Build a form that allows users to search for data based on keywords.
  • Email Send emails with express-mailer
  • SMS Send SMSs with the Twillio API
  • Payments Add payments with
  • External API Use an external API to integrate rich data into your app.
  • Web-Scraping Write a web-scraper to collect data from a website that doesn't have an API. Example technologies include Casper or Kimono.
  • Web Sockets Create an open, real-time connection between your server and client (e.g. live chatting). Check out if you're interested in web sockets.
  • Whatever else you can think of!


  • Friday, July 17th by 9:00am - REQUIRED: Submit your project proposal to an instructor and make a Kaban board for it using Trello. Be ready to talk about the scope of your project -- you should only plan to build your MVP (minimum viable product). Before beginning work on your project, your project idea and the scope of your project must be checked-off by an instructor. You will need the following for an instructor check-off:

    • Wireframes (simple/hand drawn are great)
    • User narratives / user stories ("Users can create a meal with various foods." or "As a SpaceBook user looking for new friends, I want to be able to update my location to my current planet.")
    • Models and DB design (ERD)
  • Weekend - Suggestion:

    • Build initial index file
      • add bootstrap
      • make a template to display the core resource (e.g. "Post", or "Article", or "Todo")
    • Use the template to show dummy data from an array in the client side javascript code (add jQuery)
    • Move array of static data to server (build server with 1 route to get all data)
    • Move array of static data to DB (add mongoose and seed local DB)
  • Monday, July 20th - REQUIRED: Deploy your code to Heroku by the end of the day. We know the project won't be finished; deploy whatever you have. This will make your life easier. We will have a workshop on Monday afternoon on deploying to Heroku with Mongo.

    Also, Suggestion:

    • Build any forms or form templates
    • Add POST route(s)
    • Add route tests
  • Tuesday, July 21st - Suggestion:

    • Build signup ui/template
    • Add User model and Signup route to server
    • Build login ui/template
    • Add login route to server
    • Push to Heroku
  • Wednesday, July 22nd - Suggestion:

    • Add another resource or a "reach" feature
    • Push to Heroku
  • Thursday, July 23rd - Suggestion:

    • Improve and customize styling
    • Final Push to Heroku
  • Friday, July 24th, 9:17am - Project due and presentations!


Before you start coding...

  • Getting Ideas Think about problems you know of - things that suck or are broken in the world. Could you build something that could grow into a solution? Try to do one thing well and then iterate.

  • User stories Outline your core user stories and divide them into sub-stories. Use your own Trello board to track your progress and keep you focused.

  • Wireframes Sketch out what a your core pages will look like and how they will work.

  • Object Models Use an entity relationship diagram to plan out the Models, their relationship(s), and properties.

  • DO NOT start coding before each of the above is clearly outlined and approved by an instructor.*

  • REMEMBER to build "outside-in" Start with the basics of your view: an index.html file with static data directly in the file. Then, create a template based on the structure in the html and use the template to display dynamic data stored on the client. Then, move the data to the server and get it with a GET call to a route on the server. Then, move the data to your database.


Code should be...

  • Commented
  • Modular
  • DRY
  • Frequently committed, with descriptive commit messages
  • Properly indented

Workflow should be...

  • Strategic — Were you mindful about balancing your own resourcefulness with seeking help when necessary? Did you think through logical units and plan (e.g., in comments) before starting to code?

  • Documented — Did you create a project README, illustrate wireframes, write user stories, draw an entity relationship diagram, etc?

  • Defendable — Can you defend why you chose a certain technology or why you implemented your solution in a certain way as opposed to the other options?


We will schedule 1:1s throughout the week. We will also do mini lessons on certain topics if we notice that several people are running into the same issues.


  • Completion of the core requirements
  • A link to your website hosted on Heroku
  • A link to your source code on GitHub
  • A file that serves as your project documentation
  • A presentation of 7 minutes or less illustrating:
    • What is your project and what does it do?
    • What was your motivation to build it?
    • What are you proud of?
    • What would you do with more time?
    • What aspect presented the most challenges?



  • Brennan Gamwell
  • Alison Milligan
  • Arif Furquon
  • Rakesh Shrestha
  • Henry Freel
  • Matthew Gomez
  • Michelle Maltbia
  • Rocky Chau
  • Sabastian Belser
  • Sahash Sainju


  • Amanda George
  • Timothy Festa
  • Ian Civgin
  • Bedford Williamson
  • Manu Lohiya
  • Monika Chumber
  • Paul Kim
  • Rolando Rodriguez
  • Sean Hill
  • Katie Gaudin


  • Jason Tasharski
  • Tara Kaur
  • Zoe Foss
  • Alex Chan
  • Jon Harlan
  • Josh Baker
  • Julfi Chumber
  • Kara Nicholas
  • Esben Baden Smith
  • Rob Cardenas


  • Annie Peng
  • Antonio de Leon
  • Henry Yi
  • Diane Lo
  • Erin Mahoney
  • Aubrey Worley
  • Daniel Kahn
  • Davina Taylor
  • Greg Onza
  • Aileen Santos



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