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Form Login Lab

In this lab you will gain familiarity with signing up, logging in, and logging out a user using forms & cookies. No AJAX.

Important Routes & API Endpoints

Verb Path Description
GET /signup show signup form
GET /login show login form
GET /login show login form
POST /login, /api/sessions create session
GET* /logout, /api/sessions destroy session
POST /signup, /api/users create user
GET /api/profile show user

* please note that strictly speaking we should be using the HTTP DELETE method when destroying a session. Unforunately, forms do not support DELETE natively, and for our purposes it's more convenient to use GET since we can visit it easily in the browser. (See method-override middleware for more details.)



Clone this repo. Install node packages. Run the database and a local server.

npm install
node seed.js # seed the database
mongod # do this in a separate terminal tab/window
nodemon # or `node index.js`

Open your browser to localhost:3000.

1. Authentication

Take a good look at index.js and make sure you understand what's going on.

  • TODO #1: Users can /login with a correct username and password. You can also verify that a cookie with a key of guid has been set in the HTTP Response Header.
  • TODO #2: Users can /logout. You can verify that a cookie with a key of guid no longer exists in the Response Header.
  • TODO #3: Visitors can /signup. You can verify that a new user has been added, you can see their guid in the Response Header.

2. Authorization

  • TODO #4: The /api/profile endpoint should only be visible to authorized users. Make sure that if you're not logged in, you're bounced back to the homepage.
  • Bonus: The /api/profile endpoint should only be visible to the user it belongs to.

3. Signed Cookies

Let's take full advantage of the cookie-parser middleware to sign our cookies. That way we know that they can't easily be tampered with or "spoofed" by a malicious user.

Our cookie currently looks something like this:


A signed cookie will look more like this:


Note that you can still read the original _id. Signing a cookie !== encrypting a cookie. The signature verifys that the message has not been altered, and vice-versa. You could think of it as being like an envelope with a wax seal. The seal says "this message has 140 characters". (Except that the seal is then encrypted with a secret phrase that only you, the application, knows!)

self description xkcd

Can you figure out how to sign your cookies? Check out the express docs for Response Cookies & Signed Request Cookies.

  • Set a cookie secret
  • Sign Cookies in the HTTP Response Header (outgoing)
  • Read signed cookies in the HTTP Request Header (incoming)

4. User Methods

Let's clean up our code a bit by refactoring our authentication logic into a User class method. Add the following to models/user.js and then incorporate it into the /login route:

userSchema.statics.authenticate = function(username, password, cb) {
  this.findOne({username: username}, function(err, user){
      if ( user === null ){
        cb("Username does not exist", null);
      } else if ( user.password !== password ){
        cb("Incorrect password", null);
      } else {
        cb(null, user);

We can call this method on the User class as follows:

User.authenticate("anon", "123", function(err, user){


simple form-login, cookies lab






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