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Search, read and send simply Zimbra messages with PHP. Attachments are managed.


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Read and send simply Zimbra messages. Attachments are managed.

Based on Zimbra 8 SOAP API.


  • E-mail messages are versatile. sfaut\Zimbra is a relatively low-level class whose aim is to provide a simple anonymous object representing a message and its main components. sfaut\Zimbra also provides some helper methods to send and get messages, upload and download attachments, explore directories structure, and make a search.
  • KISS – Fire & Forget

Composer installation

You can add sfaut\Zimbra package to your project with Composer :

> composer require sfaut/zimbra

And include it as usual with autoloader :


require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

$zimbra = sfaut\Zimbra::authenticate(...);

// ...

Raw installation

sfaut\Zimbra is an unique class with no dependancies, so you can download /src/Zimbra.php and include it in your script like any others scripts.


require_once '/path/to/sfaut/src/Zimbra.php';

$zimbra = sfaut\Zimbra::authenticate(...);

// ...

Object structure

Here is a search response structure within an array of messages. A message is an anonymous object.

        id: <Message ID, useful for internal usage like attachment download>
        mid: <Another message ID, useful for querying a specific message>
        folder: <Folder ID>
        conversation: <Conversation ID>
        timestamp: <Message creation, format "Y-m-d H:i:s">
        subject: <Message subject>
        addresses: {
            to: [...]
            from: [...]
            cc: [...]
        fragment: <Fragment of the message>
        flags: <Message flags>
        size: <Message size, in bytes>
        body: <Message body>
        attachments: [
                part: <Attachment's part message>
                disposition: <MIME disposition, "inline" or "attachment">
                type: <MIME type, eg. "text/csv">
                size: <Attachment size, in bytes>
                basename: <Attachment basename (with extension), eg. "Report.csv">
                filename: <Attachment filename (without extension), eg. "Report">
                extension: <Attachment extension without dot, eg. "csv">


Static method Zimbra::authenticate() creates a new sfaut\Zimbra instance and immediately connects to Zimbra server. An exception is raised on failure.


use sfaut\Zimbra;

require_once '/path/to/sfaut/src/Zimbra.php';

$host = '';
$user = '';
$password = 'M;P455w0r|)';

$zimbra = Zimbra::authenticate($host, $user, $password);

To shorten following examples, use, require and others out of scope parts will be snipped. Assume sfaut\Zimbra is instanciate in $zimbra.

Error management

sfaut\Zimbra is exceptions-oriented. So, you should encapsulate statements within try / catch / finally blocks.

try {
    $zimbra = Zimbra::authenticate($host, $user, $password);
    // ...
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

To shorten following examples, exceptions management will be snipped.

Get mailbox messages

All messages listing are, in reality, search result. Search is performed with Zimbra::search() method and Zimbra client search capacities. Zimbra search tips have been archived on this gist.

$folder = '/Inbox';
$messages = $zimbra->search(['in' => $folder]);
foreach ($messages as $i => $message) {
        "%6d %s %40s %s\r\n",
        $message->id, $message->timestamp,
        $message->from[0], $message->subject,

Send a message

$addresses = ['to' => ''];

$subject = 'Hello!';

$body = <<<BUFFER
    Dear Sir,\n

$zimbra->send($addresses, $subject, $body);

Send a message to multiple recipients

You can use arrays to specify multiple e-mail addresses :

// 1 mail to 3 direct recipients, 1 carbon copy, 1 blind carbon copy
// Response to trash
$addresses = [
    'to' => ['', '', ''],
    'cc' => '',
    'bcc' => '',
    'r' => '',

$zimbra->send($addresses, $subject, $body);

Send a message with attachment

4th Zimbra::send() parameter is an array of attachments.

Basically, an attachment is an anonymous object (or an array) containing 2 properties :

  • basename : the name and extension of the attached file
  • type : containing the attachment natur

Possible type values are :

  • file : the value represents the file full path to attach
  • buffer : the value represents the raw data to attach
  • stream : the value is the stream resource to attach
  • Attachment ID : a string given when uploading a file previously

Attach a locale file to a message :

$attachments = [
    ['basename' => 'data.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/data.csv'],

$zimbra->send($addresses, $subject, $body, $attachments);

You can also attach multiple files in a row :

$attachments = [
    ['basename' => 'data-1.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/data-1.csv'],
    ['basename' => 'data-2.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/data-2.csv'],
    ['basename' => 'data-3.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/data-3.csv'],

$zimbra->send($addresses, $subject, $body, $attachments);

And you can mix different types of data sources :

$buffer = 'Contents that will be attached to a file';

$stream = fopen('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');

$attachments = [
    ['basename' => 'data-1.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/data.csv'],
    ['basename' => 'data-2.txt', 'buffer' => $buffer],
    ['basename' => 'data-3.csv', 'stream' => $stream],

$zimbra->send($addresses, $subject, $body, $attachments);

Eeach attachment is uploaded while sending message. That can be unnecessarily resource-consuming if you send multiple messages with the same attachments. To save resources, you can first upload files with Zimbra::upload(), then attach them to messages.

// The same file uploaded 3 times for 3 messages
$attachments = [
    ['basename' => 'decennial-data.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/decennial-data.csv'],
    ['basename' => 'another-data.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/another-data.csv'],
$zimbra->send($addresses_1, $subject, $body, $attachments); // πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
$zimbra->send($addresses_2, $subject, $body, $attachments); // πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
$zimbra->send($addresses_3, $subject, $body, $attachments); // πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

// 1 upload for 3 messages
$attachments = [
    ['basename' => 'decennial-data.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/decennial-data.csv'],
    ['basename' => 'another-data.csv', 'file' => '/path/to/another-data.csv'],

// πŸ₯‚ That's the trick
// An attachment ID is retrieved and reused as necessary
$attachments = $zimbra->upload($attachments);

$zimbra->send($addresses_1, $subject, $body, $attachments);
$zimbra->send($addresses_2, $subject, $body, $attachments);
$zimbra->send($addresses_3, $subject, $body, $attachments);


Message attachments are specified in array $message->attachments.

Attachments can be uploaded with Zimbra::upload() and downloaded with Zimbra::download().

Each attachment is an anonymous object having the following structure :

    part: <MIME part of the attachment in the message, eg. "2" or "2.1.1">
    disposition: <Attachment method to the message : "attachment" or "inline">
    type: <MIME type of the attachment file, eg. "text/plain", "text/csv">
    size: <Attachement file size in bytes>
    basename: <Attachement file name with extension, eg. "my-data.csv">
    filename: <Attachment file name without extension, eg. "my-data">
    extension: <Attachment extension without dot, eg. "csv">
    stream: <Stream from temporary, only after Zimbra::download() call>

Attachments retrieving

All attachments of a message are retrieved in an array returned by Zimbra::download(). Attachments are downloaded in temporary files. These temporary files are automatically deleted at script end. Each attachment is an anonymous object containing, among other things, a stream property pointing to the temporary file, and ready to read and write.

$message = $zimbra->search(['subject' => 'Annual result 2022'])[0]; // Get 1 message
$attachment = $zimbra->download($message)[0]; // Get 1 attachment

// Where you want to save your file
$destination_file = '/path/to/' . $attachment->basename;

// 1st method, with stream
// Memory efficient
$destination_stream = fopen($destination_file, 'w');
stream_copy_to_stream($attachment->stream, $destination_stream);

// 2nd method, with buffer
// Memory inefficient on huge files, but you can process $buffer
$buffer = stream_get_contents($attachment->stream);
file_put_contents($destination_file, $buffer);

You can filter attachments to retrieve with a closure accepting an attachment object as parameter (returning true by default).

$message = $zimbra->search(['subject' => 'Summer 2022 holidays photos'])[0];

// Your filter closure
// You need to keep only images attachments
$filter = fn ($attachment) => strpos($attachment->type, 'image/') === 0;

$attachments = $zimbra->download($message, $filter);

foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
    // Save the downloaded attachments / photos to a safe place
    $stream_destination = fopen('/home/me/holidays/' . $attachment->basename, 'w');
    stream_copy_to_stream($attachment->stream, $stream_destination);

Real-life use case

Mass download attachments

  • You need to download tons of messages CSV attachments, deadline : yesterday
  • Messages are stored on mailbox in folder /Inbox/Reports
  • Each message has 0 to n attachments
  • Attachments can be of any types like .csv, .xlsx, .pdf, etc., and you need to retrieve only .csv
  • CSV files are named in the following format : Report Y-m-d.csv, eg. Report 2022-03-06.csv
  • Filename, and its extension, can be in lower or upper case, or mix, you need to manage that
  • You must download all CSV attachments starting 2020-01-01, eg. Report 2019-12-31.csv is not downloaded whereas Report 2020-01-01.csv is downloaded
  • There are a lot of files, so you must save them as Gzip files
  • Each message subject is unique, but each attachment name is not, so attachments downloaded must have a name in format Message subject -- Attachment basename.gz, eg. Report 2020-01-01.csv.gz
  • Target directory is the locale subdirectory /mailbox/reports

PHP and sfaut\Zimbra allows you to do that easily :)


use sfaut\Zimbra;

require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once '/path/to/settings.php';

// Starting attachment, you choose an all upper case reference
$starting_file = 'REPORT 2020-01-01.CSV';

// Mailbox source folder
$source_folder = '/Inbox/Reports';

// Locale target subdirectory, where all CSV attachments will be downloaded
$target_directory = '/path/to/mailbox/reports';

$zimbra = Zimbra::authenticate($host, $user, $password);

// Search messages in source folder that have at least one CSV attachment begining with "Report"
// You reduce unuseful messages retrieving
$messages = $zimbra->search(['in' => $source_folder, 'filename' => 'Report*', 'type' => 'text/csv']);

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    // Download attachments, only what you need
    $attachments = $zimbra->download($message, function ($attachment) {
        if (strtoupper($attachment->extension) !== 'CSV') {
            return false;
        if (strtoupper($attachment->basename) < $starting_file) {
            return false;
        return true;
    // Save CSV attachments in compressed files in safe place
    foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
        $target_file = "{$target_directory}/{$message->subject} -- {$attachment->basename}.gz";
        $target_stream = gzopen($target_file, 'w');
        stream_copy_to_stream($attachment->stream, $target_stream);


That's all Folks! 🐰