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Expectations for Contributors

steve-whetstone edited this page May 9, 2015 · 1 revision

This is a starter page from Jean that I we can customize for SF-in-progress use. See Jeans original at

As we are working directly with a government entity we require a certain level of commitment from our contributors to keep the project on track.

Regular attendance is key to the success of our project. We expect our contributors to be able to attend hack night on a weekly, or at least a regular basis, depending on the nature of the work they are doing.

We also expect our contributors to be communicative. If you cannot make hack night, we expect that you let us know. We have a very open and collaborative team culture, so if you have a question or are struggling with something, don’t hesitate to ask for help. If you have a better solution than the one proposed, we expect you to speak up.

Likewise, if you see that something needs to be done that is not being addressed, take initiative and do it. Your team members will be grateful.

Lastly, we also expect that our contributors have a current set of skills that match our needs (see Getting Started.) Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to accommodate hackers who are simply “interested” in our project. However, our needs do change depending on where we are at in development, so if you want to contribute but the time is not right, please don’t hesitate to reach out to project management.

We greatly value our contributors, without them this project would not exist. We hope you will join us!

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