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SFMTA Board Resolutions

Project Needs (+Leads)

  • QA Geocoding Set up a process to fix discrepancies in data and feed them back to the source
  • Change Basemap from Mapbox to ESRI
  • Scrape PDFS of board resolutions into machine-readable data (Nike)
  • Develop Product Vision
  • User-testing document successes, use-cases, datasets to add, etc.

Current Team Members

  • Allan
  • Jason
  • Sergey
  • Scott
  • Nike
  • Kate
  • Sheffield

Vision: Problems We Hope to Solve

  • Increase stakeholder engagement around proposed changes to SF's transportation infrastructure


Inherited Technical portion of the from SF Crime Data

Working in Github

If you want to contribute to this project please follow these instructions:

  • fork the repository in to your account
  • open terminal, cd to a folder you want your files saved in.
  • clone from your repository: git clone
  • setup upstream to main repository: git remote add upstream
  • make sure your upstream and origin are correct: git remote -v
  • make edits in gh-pages branch: git checkout gh-pages
  • make changes from your local folder. Everytime you work on it make sure to pull any updates: git pull upstream gh-pages
  • When your ready to submit changes:
  git add <changed file names>
  git commit -m "type your message here"
  git push origin gh-pages
  • go to your git hub account in your browser and make a pull request from there. The dropdown should look like Main Repo/gh-pages to Forked Repo/gh-pages.

Running Codebase Locally

If you want to download the github repository and run the code locally on your Apple machine,

  • open terminal
  • go to the folder directory
  • run 'python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  • go to a browser and type in localhost:"PORT_NUMBER"

Background in Technical Tools Used

  • Add ZenHub plug-in to GitHub
    • Review how ZenHub works
  • Review issues on ZenHub boards (within GitHub: sfbrigade/sf-crime-data)
  • Clone the site to your dev machine and get it running locally
    • See "Running Codebase Locally"
    • See "Working in Github"
    • Alternately use your GitHub account's hosting option for gh-pages
    • Review how to call the API (Export)
  • Visit
    • Review their map offerings
    • Review how to call the API
  • If you want to contribute to the code base...
    • Set up a "public hosting" location like GitHub pages or Firebase
      • This will be used to share your changes for team testing and code reviews
    • Comment on the issue you would like to work on
    • Continue to collaborate and code using Slack and GitHub
  • If "life happens" and you won't have time to finish an issue due to new demands, do let us know, so we can re-assign.


The following are among the libraries and extensions used:

Bootstrap – "a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development"

jQuery - "The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library"

  • URI.js – "URI.js offers simple, yet powerful ways of working with query string, has a number of URI-normalization functions and converts relative/absolute paths"
  • DataTables

Leaflet – "An open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps"

  • Mapbox - "The location platform for developers and designers APIs for maps, geocoding, driving directions, and more"
  • Leaflet.markercluster – "Provides Beautiful Animated Marker Clustering functionality"
  • Leaflet.draw - "Adds support for drawing and editing vectors and markers"
  • Leaflet.Sleep – "Prevent unwanted scroll capturing; let your map sleep"

Moment.js – "Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript"

noUiSlider – "JavaScript Range Slider"