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Kaggle Santa 2022

License: MIT Code style: black Python

The 37th place solution of Kaggle competition Santa 2022 - The Christmas Card Conundrum.



As mentioned in the discussion here, we could generate arm configurations from positions in each orthants. Thus, I construct and merge the paths below:

  • 1st orthant
    • Fixed Path: (0, 0), (0, 1), ..., (0, 64)
    • Hamiltonian Path: (0, 64) ==> (0, 128)
  • 2nd orthant
    • Hamiltonian Path: (0, 128) ==> (-128, 0)
  • 3rd orthant
    • Hamiltonian Path: (-128, 0) ==> (0, -128)
  • 4th orthant
    • Fixed Path: (0, -128), (1, -128), ..., (128, -128)
    • Hamiltonian Path: (128, -128) ==> (0, -64)
    • Fixed Path: (0, -64), (0, -63), ..., (0, 0)

Hamiltonian Paths are generated with LKH-3.

Key Ideas

Fixed Paths

  • Fixed path in 4th orthant help us to return the initial configuration with small configuration costs

Edges between Pixels

In the discussion, we assumed only steps with distance 1, that is, direction of {(0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)}. However we could use steps of distance greater than 1 under some conditions:

  • Diagonal steps {(1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1), (1, -1)} are always available
  • Moving the arms {32} and {16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1} alternately, we could jump two pixels along x axis or y axis

Download Dataset

kaggle competitions download -c santa-2022 -p data
unzip data/ -d data


poetry install
poetry shell

Download and Build LKH-3

The command below generates bin/LKH.

inv lkh-build

Solve Hamiltonian Path Problems

inv hpp-orthant1

Similarly, inv hpp-orthant2 inv hpp-orthant3 inv hpp-orthant4 work.

Generate Submission

inv merge-tours \
  --orthant1 outputs/orthant1-18065941.tour \
  --orthant2 outputs/orthant2-18532597.tour \
  --orthant3 outputs/orthant3-18458619.tour \
  --orthant4 outputs/orthant4-18674905.tour


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