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Some cloud formation scripts for testing various AWS features


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CloudFormation test scripts

Some CloudFormation scripts to try out various features.

Simple VPC and EC2 instance

Creates a simple VPC containing 2 private subnets. Also adds a NAT gateway and related resources so that instances in those subnets can connect out to the Internet e.g. for the following purposes:

  • update via package manager repo
  • download docker images from docker hub
  • connect to Session Manager's public endpoint (enables use of session manager instead of SSH)

Copy SimpleVpc.json.example to SimpleVpc.json and configure the CIDR range you wish to restrict incoming connections to.

./ SimpleVpc

Once the VPC stack has been successfully created, create the instance:

./ SimpleInstance

You should be able to use Systems Manager > Session Manager in the AWS console to log in to the instance once it has been created.

Test NLB with TLS (new AWS feature as of Jan 2019)

Copy Https.json.example to Https.json and configure certificate ARN and domain.

./ Https

Go to and you should see the default nginx home page and the correct certificate details.

GitLab CE running in a docker container

  • persistent data mapped to encrypted EBS
  • additional encrypted EBS for /var/lib/docker
  • listens on with NLB configured for HTTPS termination
  • also accepts SSH connections for git

Set parameters in Gitlab.json first.

./ Gitlab

Go to, add password and login as "root".

EKS cluster with spot instances

For kubectl may need to install aws-iam-authenticator

  • see EKS User Guide
  • on Windows can download exe to C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI
# Create the cluster
./ EksCluster

# Update local kubeconfig to point to the new cluster
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name SimpleEks

# Download config map
curl -O

# Find WorkerRole resource generated with EksCluster stack in AWS console
# Copy its "Role ARN" into aws-auth-cm.yaml in the "rolearn" field
# Then apply the config to the cluster
kubectl apply -f aws-auth-cm.yaml

# Create workers
./ EksWorkers

# Workers should be created and join the cluster, check with
kubectl get nodes

# If there's an issue, use session manager to log into a worker node and check logs
sudo journalctl -fu kubelet


Some cloud formation scripts for testing various AWS features








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