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This is the Repository for the Order Tracking Application.


  1. Each team has their own dedicated branch (order-tracking-backend, etc...).
  2. You can create sub-branches off of these branches within your team (Up to your team's discretion).
  3. In order to push to your team's branch, there will be a pull request first that needs to be approved by 1 individual (Up to your team's discretion).
  4. These dedicated team branches will be pushed into the "develop" branch when changes are working and ready (Up to your team's discretion).
  5. There are no pull request requirements for pushing to the "develop" branch. Please only have one person per team pushing to this branch to avoid merge conflicts.
  6. The Backend and Frontend teams will maintain merging the develop branch into main (they will decide when code is working and ready to be deployed). These pull requests will need approval from 2 individuals (One from backend, and one from frontend).

  7. Merging develop into main also requires that the code be up to date with main.