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Steve Goldthorpe edited this page May 7, 2016 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the KarmaLB wiki! (Alpha build released)

I'm creating this github repo with the following aims:

  • Create a community space to support Zen Load Balancer.
  • Put some code I've been working on privately out there.
  • Provide enough code to build / rebuild a Zen Load Balancer distribution image.
  • Provide the ability to incorporate security fixes and OS upgrades for the community version.
  • Provide enhancements to the community version.
  • Hopefully allow anything useful to be shared upstream.

I'd like to thank Sofintel IT Engineering S.L. for creating Zen Load Balancer in the first place - please visit them if you require commercial support i.e. purchase their product(s) Please don't expect them to support this CE, that wouldn't be fair.

I was originally going to start with Community version 3.05 and Wheezy and then was targeting 3.7 with Jessie, but 3.10 has been released with Jessie support already, so that is now the base of Karma LB.

I've built an alpha release that can now be downloaded from sourceforge.

-Steve Goldthorpe

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