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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Neovim Configuration

  • packer.nvim plugin management in lua

Major plugins

  • nvim-tree for file stuff
  • spc-n-t to toggle
  • nvim-treesitter for better highlighting
  • barbar for the top bufferline
  • vim-fugitive for git
  • telescope for fuzzy finding
  • spc-f-f for files
  • lualine for the bottom statusbar
  • alpha-nvim for start dashboard
  • presence for discord integration (status)
  • nvim-web-devicons for the icon integration
  • which-key to help remember keybindings
  • nvim-notify for fancy notifications


  • mason.nvim to configure lsp, dap, linters, formatters
  • Use :mason or edit lsp.lua to configure
  • Currently have lua, java, clojure, and c configured
  • nvim-cmp for completion
  • cmp-nvim-lsp
  • cmp-buffer
  • cmp-path
  • cmp-cmdline
  • LuaSnip for snippets
  • cmp_luasnip


  • top bufferline
  • move between using ALT-, and ALT-.


This neovim conjuration includes plugins to also work with the Clojure language! Uses the localleaderkey ","

  • Conjure for interactive development (REPL)
  • :Lein to start a REPL
  • , c f to connect to a REPL, or open a Clojure file
  • , l v to close the log window
  • , l v for a vertical split between code and REPL
  • , l h for a horizontal split between code and REPL
  • , e b evaluate current buffer
  • , e f evaluate code in the file
  • , e e evaluate current expression
  • , e r evaluate top level form
  • , e ! evaluate current form and replace with result


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