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Approximate k-NN on augmented CIFAR-10

The repository builds approximate k-nearest neighbour classifiers from CIFAR-10. We use a trivial k-NN classifier using $\ell_2$ metric on top $100$ principal components of the pixel space. The goal is to see how much data augmentation can help with this trivial classiefier. The experiments were motivated by the paper Generalization to translation shifts: a study in architectures and augmentations, which explores how much data augmentation can capture the inbuilt priors of convolutional networks in more general purpose architectures like vision transformers and MLP-mixers. It was shown that even on a small dataset like CIFAR-10, all architectures get competitive performance when tranined with sufficiently advanced augmentation techniques. Here, we studied how much data augmentation helps with the most trivial non-linear classifier---k-nearest neighbour in the pixel space with an $\ell_2$ metric.

We use approximate k-NN methods from the faiss library as exact NN search is very slow. We also sweep over different values of $k=1,2,\ldots, 50, 60, 70, \ldots, 100, 200,\ldots, 1000$ for our k-NN. Our findings are summarized below. Overall, we find that although this trivial k-NN is better in the augmented space, it is far from competitive to neural networks!!

Index no_aug basic_aug adv_aug adv_aug + mixup
ivfpq(10,32,8), nprobe=1 0.3915 (k=16) 0.4460 (k=90) 0.4762 (k=200) 0.4914 (k=70)
ivfpq(10,32,8), nprobe=10 0.4097 (k=12) 0.4593 (k=90) 0.4880 (k=200) 0.5015 (k=200)

Contributors and Acknowledgements

The experiments were conveived by Suriya Gunasekar and Nati Srebro. Tal Wagner helped with the implementation. We thank the open source libraries faiss and timm, which this repository builds from.


  • This implementation is not optimized wrt memory and efficiency for datasets larger than CIFAR-10
  • Check requirements.txt file for required packages


  • The code uses faiss library for fast approximate nearest neighbor implementation, and timm for implementations of advanced augmentations and mixup. Please check documentations therein for additional information.
  • Check commanline options and default options in
    • --basic-augmentation uses horizontal flip and random crop with 4 pixel padding. For each training image, -- all combinations are included in building the ann classifier
    • --advanced-augmentation uses basic augmentation, along with RandAugment, RandomErasing. For each training image --epochs number of random transforms from this list are included in the ann classifier.
    • --use-mixup creates ANN model on the space of images obtained after mixup/cutmix preprocessing from batches of data
    • --indexes single or list of faiss indices to use for ann algorithm. Check faiss library documentation for descriptions of the different options.
  • Optionally, edit default options to your preference
  • Run with appropriate commanline arguments, e.g.,
    • python --indexes ivfpq for no augmentation
    • python --indexes ivfpq --advanced-augmentation --use-mixup --pca 100


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